Saving gas

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aragorn2003, May 21, 5:47am
Well filling up both tanks on the 20c is pretty smart , I knew alot of people that used to shake the petrol hose up and down like they were ringing a church bell , but then they shortened the hoses.

berg, May 21, 5:50am
Polish your car. Makes a difference

mugenb20b, May 21, 5:56am
Which will result in more frequent service station visits.not a good way to save fuel.

berg, May 21, 6:00am
The other thing to save fuel is plan and drive ahead. Don't drive reacting to just what's at the end of your bonnet. Eyes up well ahead will save fuel

tonyrockyhorror, May 21, 6:50am
But mostly to the time you have available to do worthwhile things. That is, things other than cleaning and polishing cars.

morrisman1, May 21, 6:59am
mythbusters did the episode where they proved that by dimpling your car you can save fuel but I think they did it wrong. The enlarged the size of the dimples in scale to suit the car but I think that because the molecules of air are not also scaled up then this would have a negative effect. They should have covered the car in golf ball sized dimples.

tonyrockyhorror, May 21, 6:59am
Instead of saving fuel by wasting your time either a) upskill and make more money to the point where the cost is insignificant or b) stop going places needlessly like all the pointless running around people seem to do.

Plan your journeys to encompass as much possible in one outing and consider "do I actually NEED to go there at all!" and "Where else do I need to go that I can do on this trip!". Buy online and have it delivered wherever possible.