How to find out whats cars in your name?

dasfi, Jun 1, 8:07pm
Will land transport tell me what cars are in my name or when they were changed! just got a notice from a car i sold 4 months ago, stating it had been sold or disposed of,cheers

ralphdog1, Jun 1, 8:20pm
Did you do a change of registered owner when you sold it or rely on the buyer!
For $2 or $3 you should be able to find out who the current owner of a particular car is from an LT agent

smac, Jun 1, 8:56pm
Not any more.

Contact NZTA directly.

dasfi, Jun 1, 8:57pm
Sweet as

saxman99, Jun 1, 10:39pm

dasfi, Jun 2, 1:05am
That just tells you it cannot confirm information, typical

smac, Jun 2, 2:53am
What do you mean! That service will confirm if who you think is the owner, is in fact the owner. It won't tell you the owner if you don't know it.

I assumed from your original question that it's a bit late for this car, but you were wanting to know if there were others in your name. To do that, do what I said at the beginning.