Ticketed for 106 whilst passing a truck

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whqqsh, Jun 2, 2:58pm
there have been occasions of celebs etc (one of a councillor) getting off due to the excuse of driving faster to overtake & spending less time out of your lane, these have been a hell of a lot over the limit. Do a bit of research & you may be able to mention that otherwise its pay up or big $$ lawyer time (which is how these guys keep their record clean)

stevo2, Jun 2, 3:08pm
That sux, but look on the bright side champ, by the time you had your ticket written out, the truck would be long gone and you wouldnt be stuck behindhim anymore.

lpggas, Jun 2, 3:25pm
Coming through the gorge there is nowhere they can safely pull over so no I wasn't flashing the lights , agreed most south island trickiest are very courteous

lpggas, Jun 2, 3:28pm
Yet another brainwashed sheep , no doubt you drive along in your own little world at 99 km safe in the knowledge that because you have your seat belt on & haven't been drinking youre a good driver & will never crash . Cause thats what the adds on tv say .lol

berg, Jun 2, 3:47pm
Way ya go with ya stories. What cost you $1580

brokebloke1, Jun 2, 4:08pm
ive never had a problem with the "god squad" as long as the log book is up to date, current c.o.f, road users are paid, regos up to date, your not over weight and you keep to the speed limit every things fine.
And yes I have been pulled over a number of times for spot checks,pulled up on weighbridges etc. only fine I got was $200 for frag tie downs. which I thought was only fair.

johnf_456, Jun 2, 4:08pm
Yip i would pass you i could not stand to be stuck behind a Multiplia! They probably pass slow to.see who is driving such a . car

wrong2, Jun 2, 4:31pm
and here we have one of those Muppets that love to see punishment dished out - regardless of how Stupid the Law can be

bashfulbro, Jun 2, 4:36pm
Tax, nothing but tax.

berg, Jun 2, 4:41pm
The speed limit is there for a reason whether we like it or not (mostly not). Its called LCD or lowest common denominator and we all see plenty of those on our roads every day. Yes, its unfair on some of us that can actually drive but while the licencing, tourest and idiot factors still allow "limited ability" drivers to populate our roads we need to set the limits low. Countless times I see the road blamed for crashes involving serious injury or death but "be all and end all" its the way we drive on them. If all drivers want the limits to rise "we" have to prove, not as individules but as a driving nation, that we are capable of that responsibility and unfortunately due to the LCDs we are not at that point yet.

flack88, Jun 2, 4:53pm
Thats a very long overtake,to be doing 106 passingsay a 21metre unit ,long time on the wrong side road,i wouldhave been pinged for 120ish!106 is just bullshit,to be ticketed for.

rakaia40, Jun 2, 4:54pm
hope ya didn't tell da cop ya where only in 3rd lol

johnf_456, Jun 2, 4:57pm
Yep 4k tolerance for long weekends, if you can't pass without speeding then don't pass. A little bit more time on the road is much easier than dealing with potential license loss, financial cost, d points or even not even able to drive to work because you have to many D points.

In Australia they have a lower tolerance

johnf_456, Jun 2, 4:57pm
Yep 4k tolerance for long weekends, if you can't pass without speeding then don't pass. A little bit more time on the road is much easier than dealing with potential license loss, financial cost, d points or even not even able to drive to work because you have to many D points. Its just how the world is accommodating for the lowest common denominator.

In Australia they have a lower tolerance

pollymay, Jun 2, 4:59pm
I'm going to buy a nana camry then strap 400hp into it, never got pulled over in the old windom.

johnf_456, Jun 2, 5:00pm
Do you get pulled over in the Holden all the time pollymay!

aragorn2003, Jun 2, 5:03pm
If you really didnt want to pay the fine . Maybe dispute it! You might get a Judge that isn't an idiot . Cops probably wouldn't turn up either

johnf_456, Jun 2, 5:05pm
Then you have to claim leave from work, parking costs, petrol costs, court cost for the sake of 30! Not sayingdon't fight if you think you are right but when you the facts.

gunhand, Jun 2, 5:26pm
SO, whats the answer to this problem then!Maybe put the speed of passing lanes up to 120kph for passing only though! Problem there is people would pass others who are doing 100kph because there to anal to sit behind someone doin the speed limit. Would be good for passing cars with trailers doing there 90kph or trucks doing there 90kph and allowing a few past like Jazz saays.Shame thatboth never really stick to there limits anyway so therefore the only time they hold you up is hills when ya cant pass anyway unless there passing lanes there.
Then as we all know you get the 90kph driver who speed up to 110kph on passing lanes then back down to a steady 90kph when they end so ya cant win there either.
It wouldnt matter a dam if we had a open road limit of 120kph as all the same things would happen anyway, just at a faster speed. Then of course people would want to be able to do 130kph as 120kph is just to slow now.
If everyone on the road done what they were supose to there wouldnt be half (if any) of the problems we have so many should look in the mirror to see if they are the solution or the problem.
And as far as I know the Police on the coal front do not make the laws but the government does in conjuction with Police heads no doubt.
Now getting done for 103kph is bit on the nose due to inacurracies of radar etc. They seem to be 2kph either way from what I have read so possably your being done for 1kph over and that wouldnt be noticeable on most cars.
Should we have no fines up to say 110kph then to allow for all the tyre, speedo, gps, radar and tree reflection issues . BUT, when you go over 110kph loose ya licence for 3 months! Would that work or would there be a host of excuses for going over that as well!.
Because we a Humans we need laws to keep ourselves safe from ourselves and the ones we have are not that bad really, are they!And we show on a daily basiss that we can not even stick to those anyway to well. It would seem we are our own worst enamys at times.
The best answer would to be to vote for the Political Party who are wanting to up the speed limits and lower the fines and demerits, which one was that now!
Having tougher licence tests may stop a few getting on our roads but from what I observe its from all age and intelligence groups really. If you can judge intelligence by looking at someone. As an example the ones i see yappin on there phones while driving seem to be driving flash cars, sign writtin vanscontractor type utes and truck drivers. cant say ive seen a beaten up shitter with a yapper behind the wheel, there probably txting between there knees.
And I see people thinking those are obeying the laws of the land are somehow a joke, hows that work!Those people need to go to some lawless shit hole and enjoy the freedom they have for a while. I bet most would come running back with there tail between there legs, if they wernt gunned down or blown up first. Freedom is out there if you want it but you mightnt like it.

richardmayes, Jun 2, 6:05pm

magicmat, Jun 2, 6:17pm
+1 couldnt agree more.

elect70, Jun 2, 6:18pm
We wonder why our road toll is so high with copsputting all thereeffort into speeders . They have 2 just patroling the desert rd from each endall dayThats why they built the littlehut at waiourufor them to have coffee & donuts aftercoupletrips , tough job . They claim the 4 k limit was the rteason for nil easter toll, yeah right .

ree6, Jun 2, 6:37pm
Mate, you seem to have really bad luck on the roads and it's always someone elses fault; it's the cops, then the guys who "butcher" the roads, the cops again, people who disrespect old farts in their "classic" cars, the cops again.and again and again, then in another thread you tell of how you were monstered by a billy goat which, it seems, took time out of its busy day to not only stand in the road and stop you but actually back up and bunt your car. Oh, and then the cops didn't want to know about it and neither did stock control and you never claimed insurance.maybe the goat was trying to tell you something !

0900oxocube, Jun 2, 6:42pm
Still higher than yours atleast

pollymay, Jun 2, 6:53pm
Yep, all the time. Doing nothing at all usually. The windom I could park on top of 5 old people at the supermarket and no one cared.