Ticketed for 106 whilst passing a truck

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slarty45, Jun 2, 7:01pm
Damn shame the revenue gatherer didn't U turn infront of the truck.
They can't write tickets if mangled and leaking red.

alfred011, Jun 2, 7:10pm
John Key and his revenue gatherers will be pleased to receive your generous donation to the consolidated fund so they can waste it on some hair brained crap scheme they have dreamed up to save the country.

berg, Jun 2, 7:28pm
A stunningly intelligent post,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,not

berg, Jun 2, 7:46pm
Don't get me wrong, I agree that was a bad move on the part of the driver and he lost his licence and job for it. I actually know him and have my own opinion of him which is better left unsaid. But, at the end of the day, he got charged and convicted just as you would expect any other driver in the same situation to be.

slarty45, Jun 2, 7:48pm
"peripheral awareness blinded by adrenalin of impending chase and the filling of quota"

modie61, Jun 2, 7:48pm
Side issue here,what is the fine dished out for going over the 5.5hours driving period !

berg, Jun 2, 8:33pm
Depends on if exceeding by less than or more than an hour. Is a court appearance, Max $2000 fine and if by more than an hour, manitory min 1 month disqualifaction of classes 2-5

nightsky1, Jun 2, 8:42pm
I'll try to dumb it down for you oh big rebel one.

"If you break the law there are consequences"

is that simple enough.!

getting all angry and hissy aint going to change the law.

loose.unit8, Jun 2, 10:02pm

4km/h speed tolerance obviously working well, as usual

slarty45, Jun 2, 10:16pm
Dang, too much time looking at speedo instead of looking out windscreen.

lpggas, Jun 2, 11:07pm
In Australia they have a lower tolerance[/quote]

Incorrect . Australia gives a 3 km tolerance PLUS a 3 km Margin for speedo error so if a speed camera snaps you the ticket will say " alleged speed 107 , actual speed 104 . So you have to be snapped by radar or camera at 107 or more before you will get ticketed

lpggas, Jun 2, 11:14pm
A tradegy for all the families involved , bet the police will remain very silent after this weekend about how successful there 4 km tolerance alledgledly is at reducing the road toll

They spouted on for weeks at Easter claiming the zero road toll was due to the 4 km tolerance . Yeah right ,

lpggas, Jun 2, 11:28pm
johnf_456 wrote:
Yep 4k tolerance for long weekends, if you can't pass without speeding then don't pass. A little bit more time on the road is much easier than dealing with potential license loss, financial cost, d points or even not even able to drive to work because you have to many D points. Its just how the world is accommodating for the lowest common denominator.

Following that logic there would be no overtaking at all other than of the muppets doing 70 , if you are behind a H permit truck which sits on 90 on the straights you would need one hell of a lot of road to pass if you started the manoeurve the legal 4 secs behind . , and forget doing it in the passing lanes as other than on the really steep ones many modern trucks will hold close to 90 on many hills

modie61, Jun 2, 11:43pm
Thanks berg,thats a worry then.

berg, Jun 3, 12:00am
Get caught or being asked to do a few extra hours!

berg, Jun 3, 12:07am
Booze, speed and pedestrians walking on the road. All personal responsibility issues. We are proving we can't be trusted on our roads and need the police to look after us. You want more freedoms on the road, show as a nation you are responsible enough to handle it.

modie61, Jun 3, 12:11am
Neither at the moment,but thats about to change.

johnf_456, Jun 3, 12:15am
It is very simple pay up for speeding or dont pass. Look at gunhands post for a good explanation.

johnf_456, Jun 3, 12:15am
It is very simple pay up for speeding or dont pass. Look at gunhands post for a good explanation.

Until kiwis take responsibility for their actions we will not move forward. As a result having the current sort of laws.

The government gets enough of our money so why speed and give them more than you need. Get self control and maybe the speed laws will be changed.

nzfatie, Jun 3, 12:17am
Beats me with the cost of living these days, how people can afford to speed !!
The country would save millions of dollars a year in oil imports and quite a few lives if we all kept to 90 km/h on the open road.

berg, Jun 3, 12:18am
Call in and see me at work one day (only in next Friday) and I can give you one of NZTAs logbook handbooks. Not worth making a mistake as the penalties are steep

morrisman1, Jun 3, 12:23am
and then it will be 80, then 60 then eventually you mightn't be able to walk without breaking the speed limit.

nzfatie, Jun 3, 12:28am
You miss the point.the speed limit is unchanged.we just CHOOSE to drive at 90 km/h.

morrisman1, Jun 3, 12:31am
A mate's wife unfortunately just copped a $500 fine, for going past a school bus at 50 km/h (which was the speed limit) and having a WOF 15 days out of date. Fair enough on the WOF, I actually had to replace a flogged out ball joint on it for it to pass but the school bus thing is stupid.

I say it is stupid because as the driver was doing 50 km/h in a 50 km/h zone they obviously did not intend on speeding and breaking the law. The fact that they were 30 km/h over the limit of passing a school bus is due to 'whoops, didn't compute' factor and no fine is going to fix that. The fine that they received will achieve nothing for road safety apart from making them very nervous for a couple weeks until they forget the incident ever happened.

What would be a better idea, is to retain the 20 km/h speed limit but make it compulsory for school busses to be fitted with a flashing "20 km/h" sign that is only lit up when the bus is stopped and children are boarding. This way you could see it and remember the speed limit there, and hence would avoid the unsafe situation in the first place.

perhaps they could use the money from those fines to pay to have these signs fitted! Maybe that is too logical, or maybe they would rather spend the money on a consultant to restructure the department again.

berg, Jun 3, 12:33am
Its already happening. They dumbed down State Hwy 1 between Paraparaumu and Waikanae lowering the speed from 100 to 80kph, removed the passing lanes, made the Waikanae 70kph area 50 and resealed the road yet the skidmarks in the spot of two previous fatal crashes this year prove that no matter how much we dumb the roads down, their will always be dumber drivers