54 Nash Metropolitian.Its a sandwich type mount.Replacement not available from anywhere I've tried so faced with having to get the old ones stuck back together.Remember seeing this service advertised by someone in TeRapa years ago.Any suggestions appreciated.
You used to be able to buy a mix kit to make up your own liquid polyurethane stuff which hardened so you could make custom mounts, I am 99% sure that it was from Nolathane but I had a quick look on there website and did not see it though but it may be worth looking into.
May 28, 6:06am
Tyre savers in Killarney rd, Frankton still do it
May 28, 6:12am
Thanks guys.Tyresavers was the one I was trying to remember.On the phone tomorrow and see what i can find.Just wondering what would happen if I got hold of some good urethane (wurth, sika etcmaybe!) and stuck them back together myself.The existing rubber looks fine - its just come unstuck from the plates.Worst that could happen is they fall apart again!
May 28, 6:22am
we used to use ring-gear recovery, or ling lay! engineering down fielding way. they did an entire t-bird for a customer of mine - engine, gearbox, and body mounts.
plus used to do custom made ones for a couple of rally cars for us.
May 28, 7:39am
I have used that strong black Sika-flex for repairing a few circle type engine mounts in my time like Bluebird and Primera top L/H ones for my self of course and they seemed to work well enough for a standard road car
May 28, 1:56pm
Someone like Ludowicis (now Ceelon in Onehunga) will do it in urethane unless you are happy making a quick mould & pouring it yourself (rememeber prep both surfaces & allow for a bit of shrinkage)
May 28, 11:59pm
I have used trade me seller suspensiontech.
May 29, 12:16am
I have stuck torn mounts back together with windscreen grade urethane. Seemed to last ok, it was on my own car and the motor stayed in there.
May 29, 12:25am
That would be my "No8 Wire" suggestion too.
May 29, 1:24am
Pretty strong stuff, especially if it has a decent contact area.
May 29, 1:31am
Lon Lagon Engineering I think they are at Aokautre not sure about the spelling just out of Palmerston North.They did an exelent job on my mk1 zephyr mounts.Might also be worth trying www.basisnz.co.nz
I have used a 2 pot Urethane rubber product. Devcon. Flexane 80 liquid.
I got it from Blackwoods/Paykels
May 29, 4:57pm
Its a long time ago but managed to glue together a "separated" Prelude mount, in place,with 2 pot product. Cant remember the brand now but it lasted for years,
May 29, 4:58pm
Isnt the Metropolitan a rebodied Austin A55! Wouldnt an Austin club(UK) have some!
May 30, 12:37am
Just give it a couple of days to cure. Does another lap around the clock on my flip-flops.
May 30, 1:12pm
Ya'l all say snoop dunnae no jack schytt- But e does and-meh best application for supaglue ya ever sen-Meh-One Drop Holds A Tonne!
Ridleys Believe It Or NOT
But been there done that MANY times with -YEP Supaglue,,,
Jun 2, 5:34am
I was talking to the guy at palmerston north a while back when he rebuilt a ring gear for me and he showed me the rubber anti vibe mounts he rebuilt his name is bob Pettigrew and his phone number was 06 3569310 and called his business Lon Laggon Engineering.
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