Hi all. Has anyone lost traction when your wheel runs over one of those square plastic road markers! The ones that mark the middle lane to separate oncoming traffic. I was driving along a very windy road and I my front right wheel went over one of those and I lost traction for a couple of seconds. It was rainy so it made it even more slippery. Lucky it was uphill so the momentum was taken out very quickly.
Jun 2, 11:24pm
They are only dangerous if you drive over them. And since they are on the centre lane on a windy road, you shouldn't be crossing the centre line anyway.
Jun 2, 11:50pm
Couple of seconds!
Jun 2, 11:57pm
more likely the white lines made you lose traction
the fact of traction not being regained falls on the driver
Jun 2, 11:58pm
they not much fun on 2 wheels when wet as for the cheesecutters, cut ya in half
Jun 3, 12:01am
Keep left. Drive entirely within your lane.
I've never struck the problem you've experienced OP.
Jun 3, 12:11am
Good reason to ride defencivly when faced with them. Never had a problem with them on my bike
Jun 3, 12:53am
Dome Valley at night, timber on road, well cranked over to avoid, cats eye created big wobble, nothing coming other way, you know how it goes. Gave up bikes after 34 yrs and sat car license at age 49 so not a noob as such, but yeah.
Jun 3, 12:57am
Go on, get another bike. Best thing I did for night riding, fitted Narva plus 50 bulbs and slowed down a bit. Often find stray objects on the road round here at night
Jun 3, 1:12am
if youve run over those plastic markers, you need to learn to drive without crossing the centre line.
Yes the can and will cause a loss of traction in the right circumstances, but refer to my first sentence
Jun 3, 1:22am
Nah, I've had more than my share of close calls, and got away with it. 4 large contact patches and a good heater is good in the deep south with the aches and pains that comes with grey beard. Had the plus bulbs in the Beamers, and now in the cage.
Jun 3, 1:35am
Ok fair enough lol the comments about learning to drive. I was coming out of a very tight bend, and I turned my wheel just when it ran over the plastic marker. I guess the combination of the turning force and the fact the wheel was on it at the same instance made it go out of control. But seriously though none of you can say you've never ran over one with your wheel with a straight face.
Jun 3, 1:52am
Dunno about the straight face, but had plenty of butt clenching moments with white lines, compacted tar, dogs, sheep, wind gusts etc
Jun 3, 7:13pm
This day and age when everyone is going on about their footprint on our planet, why waste fuel, tyres and brakepads by not crossing the centre line. I use the other side of the road all the time, providing no one else is going to be using it in the next 5-10 seconds.
I'm sure half of you will think I'm a bloody idiot, but then I could'nt give a rats arse.
Jun 3, 7:13pm
This day and age when everyone is going on about their footprint on our planet, why waste fuel, tyres and brakepads by not crossing the centre line. I use the other side of the road all the time, providing no one else is going to be using it in the next 5-10 seconds.
I'm sure half of you will think I'm a bloody idiot, but then I could'nt give a rats arse.
I run them over quite often, I prefer not to. Cant be good for the tyres.
Jun 3, 8:21pm
duuh .try to drive on the left I fink it's in the road code somewhere.
better still give your car keys to someone else until after you have resat your licence and do us all a favour.
Jun 3, 9:10pm
because they are Nana's
& Nana's love to tell people off
Jun 4, 12:57am
You have to be carefull on Fri night and the weekends when asking advice, or with querys like this one as there are too many nanas out there. I have not experienced what you are refering to, so havent got an answer,, but I do know that you were not, deliberately driving on the centre of the road, and failing to keep left etc.
Jun 4, 9:12pm
If you break traction after hitting a cats' eye, you're going around corners too fast chap.
Jun 5, 12:04am
And if you break wind you have had too much curry.
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