265 hemi engine block number

lukey22, Jun 15, 12:49am
cant any one help me out in decoding my engineblocknumber ,if seen a thread on this somewherebefore but cant find it,any help would be greatcheers tony

pdc1, Jun 15, 1:04am
go to

Number is by the distributor. It will start with a D.
245's were D2. 265's were D3. unless they were not out of cars e.g. commercial motor, ambulance etc.

lukey22, Jun 15, 7:06pm
more help please peeps!

pdc1, Jun 15, 8:07pm

Should take you right there.
What's your number!
D = hemi 6
1st number = size e.g. 1=215ci 2= 245ci 3=265ci (these are car motors. There are other numbers also for more commercial engines)
2nd number is the performance number. e.g. 3 is the standard 2 barrel number
The next number is transmission
The next letter is date. A= 1970
Next numbers are the individual build number.

lukey22, Jun 15, 11:46pm
brilliantpdc1thank for that