Opinions. Looking around for a family wagon something practical fuel efficient etc what are everyone39s thoughts on something li

franc123, Jun 12, 5:28am
If it doesn't glow in the dark its probably OK.

sterid01, Jun 12, 5:32am
looks ok for family , cheap not too many bells and whistles , keep serviced regulaly

vtecintegra, Jun 12, 6:02am
In that generation the wagon was a significantly different car to the hatch - the wagons were a lot cheaper here new too

msigg, Jun 12, 2:04pm
Nothing wrong with that. Keep up the servicing as said and it should last a lifetime.

nightboss, Jun 12, 3:23pm
Reason the price is about the same "when the 2004 models are going for the same or much more" is because most of the earlier shape in NZ are 1.8L (1794cc) and this is a 1.5L (1497cc). Rated power is slightly down (about 10kW) econony slightly better.
Both engines very well known and easily serviced by mechanics.
As a cheap reliable unassuming modern family wagon a car like the one you referred to will serve you well.

kazbanz, Jun 12, 4:26pm
Remember it is an auction unless you hit buy now there is NO comeback if anything goes wrong.
mechanically its the same as the 2001-2004 versionwhich isn't a bad thing IMO.
I would ask to see the auction sheet from Japan and the compliance sheet here to be sure theres no issues with the car.

phillip.weston, Jun 12, 5:00pm
Personally I think you can do better than that Corolla - it's an utterly lifeless car with not many features. I would rather spend $11k on something remotely interesting.

richardmayes, Jun 12, 5:25pm
"Life" is what you do in/with your car, not something the factory supplies!

A lot of history's most "interesting" cars e.g. VW beetles, Minis, are bloody awful cars by any sane sensible measurement.

Speaking as someone who has owned and maintained a number of "interesting" cars, I can appreciate why a lot of people see the ubiquity and the low maintenance expectation of a low-mileage Toyota as a pretty attractive "feature".

I would always try and get the bigger-engined model though.

wasser61, Jun 12, 5:45pm
It is the equivalent of driving round in grandpa's armchair, comfortable, nice and nothing fancy. They just do the job as required.

phillip.weston, Jun 12, 7:32pm
no it's the eqivalent of driving around in a fisher & paykel refrigerator or a panasonic microwave. It's automotive whiteware.

I wouldn't call a base spec Corolla 'nice', or even comfortable. A grandpa's armchair to me would be some old large car from the 70s or 80s.

richardmayes, Jun 12, 7:39pm
Faded, with a lot of the uphosltery rubbed away and the stitching coming undone, springs getting soft and with a pronounced sag / lean in the corner. A few inexplicable old stains here and there.

Spot on, that sounds exactly like my Grandpa's old HQ Belmont.

peja, Jun 13, 12:01am
And automotive whiteware is exactly what some of us want. I have a classic to drive when I want something interesting. My daily driver that I take into town and leave in various car parks at the end of tramping tracks - I want that to be the dullest, most uninspiring driving appliance there is, not something that anyone will ever take for a "joyride". For everyday use, automotive whiteware is perfect, and I can touch it up with the same white enamel as the rest of my whiteware too

ceebee2, Jun 13, 12:08am
That model are gutless wonders, I even had a Toyota dealer tell me that and from my comparisons is true. That is probably why there are soo many for sale.

strobo, Jun 13, 2:05pm
Too bad !its done100,000 + kmsnot really worth much ,asking$10,000 + for it !gee.