Put a video of my mate rolling a Ute now 150,000.

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bellky, Jun 9, 3:44am
Actually that poster used the word 'loose' correctly. Haha.

200sx, Jun 9, 3:50am
F##### whatever!

200sx, Jun 9, 3:54am
Yeah, well rob_man already looks like a muppet for that fail, but as I said this ain't a thread on how good your spelling or grammar is.
Interesting variation in views on that ute roll though.

rob_man, Jun 9, 5:33am
Oops my bad.

granada, Jun 9, 5:39am
Classic. unfortunatly the pigs pick up on shit like this and wil track you down and prosecute.

zephyrheaven, Jun 9, 6:19am
What a crock
Youre a nana

Luckily for us, you left the Mainland to rejoin your ilk (whining & PCing this country to death)

Dont mistake this video for what it is - a laugh, some of the posters above must have set their toaster on high or something - live a little

200sx, Jun 9, 6:54am
Yeah yeah, whatever. I live fine and enjoy a joke as much as anyone else.
Regardless of how you describe it (and dismissing those who don't like it as members of the PC brigade! - don't kid yourself), it's still a video of a guy trying to do a slide, and then rolling, on a public road.
If it was a track, a farm paddock or elsewhere, completely different kettle of fish. And at that stage it would have been a laugh.

The only laugh here is ppl like you pulling out the nana quotes!

klrider, Jun 9, 5:01pm
Maybe they should keep doing it until someone does! A relative of yours! then we could remind you to lighten up!

klrider, Jun 9, 5:07pm
I would, and have happily told people what I think to thier faces, if I was coming the other way, and came close, or got hit by this muppet, I would do more than say something. Little boys being dicks, and supported here by more children trying desperatly to be cool, thoughtless halfwits that maybe Darwin will sort out, I just hope no innnocent person gets in the way.

sabbath-black, Jun 9, 7:55pm
.what a nob, you say this after just suggesting they should keep it up till a relative is killed.too much time on your mums left one!