Put a video of my mate rolling a Ute now 150,000.

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commy69, Jun 7, 4:28am
Hits on youtube! in 2 weeks! crazy. just noticed herald and stuff featured it too http://google.co.nz and type in new zealand ute roll

200sx, Jun 7, 4:48am
What a dumb shit.

stepman69, Jun 7, 7:24am
That's hilarious.

klrider, Jun 7, 3:43pm
your mates a dick

bellky, Jun 7, 3:53pm
If that's the B1600 one then I like it. Tuff little ute!

3tomany, Jun 7, 5:17pm

NZTools, Jun 7, 5:39pm
Only thing he did wrong was do it on a public road. My mates and I were always doing things like that when we were kids, and it taught us valuable lessons about vehicle control, the vehicles limits, and our own limits. Skills we still all apply in our work todaym - can tell trough the deat om my pants when the uphill wheels of tractors and fert spreaders etc are about to lift off the ground and do something about it before it goes pearshaped. Will our playstation generation have the same skills in 30 years!

usdefault, Jun 7, 5:43pm
What a tool your mate is.

Going through the intersection on to the wrong side of the road with no hope of stopping.

Cops should do him for dangerous driving.


les6, Jun 8, 12:03am
nobody died,lighten up!

trader1292, Jun 8, 12:34am
Did he roll it on purpose! Or was it a failed drift attempt

zephyrheaven, Jun 8, 2:29am

The internet is full of people that wouldnt say anything to your face but are willing to rip you off online

I think its cool - I know that patch of road pretty good & it would be rare to see anyone on it (from the camera shot its pretty clear)

Fun & games & nobody got hurt

modie61, Jun 8, 3:17am
Yea zeph,i call them keyboard warriors,soft as butter,no nads.

commy69, Jun 8, 3:52am
this is quite an old video, is never busy, and was a laugh` he didnt meen to roll , lighten up

les6, Jun 8, 3:56am
bet you never go over 50 kph in town or 100kph on the open road!aye commy69!bet you never even had a 69nr either!

commy69, Jun 8, 4:09am

bigfatmat1, Jun 8, 4:36am
haha legend cant watch it enough.

murph2068594, Jun 8, 4:57am
Yeah, awesome, just forget that Give Way sign. and who cares if a 35 tonne logging truck is coming the other way - Murphy's Law.

a18a, Jun 8, 7:35am
for all we know there could be someone further down the road on the look-out for traffic with a walkie talkie or something

moosie_21, Jun 8, 6:54pm
lol, yeah that's likely. Hand me another Tui

bellky, Jun 8, 7:16pm
Good call mate - the naysayers are nanas!

200sx, Jun 9, 2:02am
Whatever - there always a bunch people who bring out the cheap calls at those who criticise this sort of stupidity on a public road. If I saw that happen I'd happily get out and tell those young dickheads what I thought. This is a public road (i know the road, and was a local 12 years ago) and that Moron was lucky - very lucky not to be hurt in that piece of shit.What if another dickhead was coming the other way in a hurry, thinking its a quiet road so I can let loose! I'm not against having fun on the road, but that example was woeful.

bellky, Jun 9, 3:02am

rob_man, Jun 9, 3:17am
What if none of those things happened and everybody got a good laugh out of it. Oh wait.
And what if you knew how to spell the word lose.

200sx, Jun 9, 3:31am
Haha, spot the guy who can't offer anything of interest to contribute, this isnt a thread on spellchecking.

bellky, Jun 9, 3:42am
"Haha, spot the guy who can't offer anything of interest to contribute"

That could be said alround. At least some of us can talk drivel without profanity.