Rusty engine internals?

dr.doolittle, Jun 5, 3:28pm
I have a 2 stroke, 2 cylinder jetski motor that was reconditioned, & after 8 hrs running, was left for a year & had seized.
I filled the crank case with a combo of ATF, CRC, diesel & injector cleaner & it now turns over freely.
My question is, what can I soak in the case that will remove any minorsurface rust thats on the rod, maybe on the walls of the case or around bearings!I don't want anything to dislodge while it's running.
Any ideas! Thanks.

kazbanz, Jun 5, 3:44pm
doctorD---my thinking is that you are better off stripping the engine down and replacing all the bearings/sealsand the piston rings. If theres rust in the little end or big end bearings most likely theyll pick up anyway doing a heap more damage.

bellky, Jun 5, 3:50pm
Well it's a 2 stroke so it should clean itself out!
If it's turning over freely now, start it up and get it going and forget about it.

dr.doolittle, Jun 5, 4:01pm
When I'm talking rust I mean Very minor surface stuff that cleans off with your finger & not all gritty.
I know Kaz, I 'should' strip it down but I'd really rather not as I paid FA for & I kind of get a kick out of getting things going for as little as poss. rather than just throwing money at things. If I have to later, so be it.

motorboy2011, Jun 5, 4:04pm
agree here. mate and his boss lost a ski at the beach, got it back 2 or 3 days later full of sand, water and locked solid, engine cover had been smashed off in the surf. pulled the plugs and filled with some sort of thin oil, big power bar on the end of the prop moving slowly side to side and eventually got it turning, fired it up and was good as gold

kazbanz, Jun 5, 4:19pm
Hey no worries well then in that case why bother at all! Maybee with an oily rag then 1500 grit paper damp with oil to take the surface stuff off then wipe the rod downwith an oily rag to take it all off.
I must say at the least you should replace the little end bearings though.--They are right there between piston and rod and itll also make cleaning up the rod easier.
My reasoning is that if any bearings will be rusty itll be the ones closest to the piston.

mechnificent, Jun 5, 10:22pm
It is probably a pressed crank. The rods won't come off.

I'd just run it and monitor the noises for a few hours.

kazbanz, Jun 6, 12:28am
Not bigend bearings--little end ie the bearing in the piston

dr.doolittle, Jun 6, 1:38am
I've checked the net & it looks like the big end bearings are pressed onto the crank.
Anyways, I've flushed it out with heaps of diesel & things are looking pretty good & running really smoothly now. Tomorrow I'll turn it upside-down & flush it again with solvent before giving it a lite coating of oil & putting the head back on, pop it back in the hull & see what happens.
Thanks all for your comments.

dr.doolittle, Jun 16, 10:53pm
Update. (If anyone cares).
Took the ski for a blat this morning & it went like a bloody rocket! Cant help smiling every time I think about it.
Thanks again for the advice.

bellky, Jun 16, 11:12pm
Good news.

elect70, Jun 16, 11:42pm
Friendpicked up a73 evirude 40hpsitting unused for 5 years& wouldnt turn over ., he did as #1 said+ new pumpimpeller&goes okhad it out3 tripsno problem .

xs1100, Jun 17, 1:35am
and the 4th.het him a coastguard membership for his birthday even if he dosent need it it s going to a good cause.

richardmcf, Jun 17, 3:51am
Grenade material! if there is any corrosiondamage to any of the big end roller bearings they will eventually fail, seen it happen, nearly cut the engine in two, get coast gurd membership, a water proof phone or two and always file a plan with some one or you may be in for a long swim

kazbanz, Jun 17, 7:36pm
Mate -although richard mcf isn't being the most diplomatic I do agree with him.
Carry a cell in a waterproof bag

elect70, Jun 17, 11:00pm
If it was going to sieze it would have done it by now . Had it flat out for 2 hour sto kapiti island at . easteras a shake down trip .But wouldnt trust ajap outboardthat old.The prev owner ran it with aoil rich mixture beforeparking it up.

johnf_456, Jun 18, 1:17am
They just go and go those old two strokes.