Had new battery 4 months ago however my 1990 L200 (2.6 petrol) only just starts some icy mornings. Garaged, not used daily, could it be anything other than battery being 'dud'! Thanks for help.
Jul 10, 3:52am
Possibly crappy: Earth connection on to motor Starter motor Battery terminals Starter contacts
Jul 10, 3:53am
Or more likely - current draw
Jul 10, 3:56am
Starter motor brushes n clean
Jul 10, 4:08am
I would start with taking the battery terminals off give them a scrub up / clean if they are dirty then make sure they are clean and tight. Costs virtually nothing yet a common cause of faults.
Jul 11, 5:15am
Check the earth strap that goes between the body/chassis to the engine to see if it is .1 there in the first place and if it is still connected.2 that it's secure. Plus check the terminals at the battery for being clean and good circuit contact is being made. Check the starter condition as well. Heavy grade oil can cause sluggish cranking as can short distance driving in which the battery hardly gets a chance to be fully charged. Other than that take vehicle to an auto electrician and have the charging system checked and the cranking/ starting performance checked out.
Jul 11, 6:08am
Check the fan belt might not be charging at a high enough voltage to charge the battery up to 13volts at rest.
Jul 12, 3:41am
I would do this first.^^ Plus cover them in vasoline to prevent oxidisation and maintain a good connection.
Jul 12, 3:41am
Yes, maybe you need a higher voltage fanbelt.
Jul 12, 2:01pm
Glove box light not turning off.
Jul 12, 2:07pm
Do you put 20W oil in it. (e.g. 20W-40) because that W rating is a bit high for icy temps.
Jul 12, 3:10pm
Use Castrol GTX 15-40. Recommended (by them of course) for engines over 70k (mine done 240k). THANKS to all replies - a list to check this weekend and when (if) I sort it i will come back on here. just for anyone else to maybe try if having same problem.
Jul 12, 10:25pm
new battery leads might help or they sold you a dud new battery,or you alt bushes may be worn out,if your electric windows go up and down crisply when running, then ok, but try another battery,and hope you kept your receipt for a replacement
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