I have about 20 litres of 1 year old outboard gas which I dont want to put through boat motor. Someone suggested I can use it in my car !Is this true ! Ive never heard of it.Thanks
Jul 9, 9:21pm
Dump it !
Jul 9, 9:44pm
Use it on your driveway as a weed killer.
Jul 9, 9:51pm
by outboard gas do you mean two stroke or four stroke! If four stroke Then I'd pur 10l into my car and then fill the car with 98 octane. Then repeat it for the other 10l
Jul 9, 10:04pm
Hehe, check the heading.
Jul 9, 10:58pm
I've used 2 year old outboard 2 stroke premix in my old EA falcon, put 40 litres in with 20 fresh, no worries
Jul 9, 11:02pm
Better still. put it in the wife's car.
Jul 10, 4:47am
Shove it in the car or the lawn mower.Worst that will happen is a bit of smoke - just like a 2 stroke.
Jul 10, 1:46pm
was told th oil will stuff a modern cars catylitic convertor!
Jul 10, 2:45pm
It could do, hence you should put it in the petrol tank.
Jul 10, 10:03pm
Just mix itwith freshfuel /oilmixits the98octane stuff that goes offAFAIK
Jul 10, 10:15pm
Sheesh--TWO stoke mix-- OP -sorry I need to lern 2 reed aye! ANYHOO--with old two stroke mix try GENTLY decanting it into a 5.0l opaque/clear jug. By nowe theres a good chance the oil will have resettled so you'll get 15l of clean fuel and about 5l of two stroke
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