Camry value

lyonruge, Jul 8, 2:08am
99 2.2 camry, auto, power windoes, srs, air con, good nick, 200k, how much! i have to sell one for a relly, what should i put on it! Good tyres, new wof.

modie61, Jul 8, 2:20am
Is it worth $4500----$5000 !
Is it NZ new sedan ! Other than white !

lyonruge, Jul 8, 2:25am
NZ new, bergundy red, yeah i thought about that i put 4250 ono on it, should get that.

curlcrown, Jul 8, 3:22am
Sedan or wagon! Makes a big difference.

lyonruge, Jul 8, 4:47am

stevo2, Jul 8, 1:09pm
about $4.5k

lyonruge, Jul 8, 2:24pm
Good o, so $4250 ono is probably pretty much right, lets see how it goes.

phillip.weston, Jul 8, 6:14pm
no way. Think of what else in the 2000's you could buy for $4250. I'm thinking $3500 at best.

curlcrown, Jul 8, 7:04pm
Anything else is not a Toyota.

phillip.weston, Jul 8, 9:23pm
yes but it's not a Corolla which tends to hold value much more because they are perceived as being more economical. There are lots of Camrys out there for grabs which aren't selling quickly. I wouldn't pay $4250 for something nearing 14 years old with 200,000kms on the clock, Toyota or not.

curlcrown, Jul 9, 3:22am
neither would I, but plenty of other people would.