More snake oil or what?

smac, Jul 8, 5:48pm
Freshly squeezed snake.

berg, Jul 8, 5:52pm
Anybody want to buy a bridge off me! Its in Auckland and its going cheap. Will save you 10-25% in gas

sifty, Jul 8, 5:58pm
As soon as it said 'voltage flow' I knew all I needed to know.

tonyrockyhorror, Jul 8, 6:04pm
And "By stabilizing the voltage from the battery of your vehicle, the load of the battery is reduced". No. Since when does adding a device to an existing DC circuit result in a lowering of the load!

budgel, Jul 8, 8:01pm
An off switch would!

skyblue17, Jul 8, 8:14pm
Expensive capacitor.

tonyrockyhorror, Jul 8, 8:37pm
Haha fair call. But that's not going to be much use if you want to drive your car somewhere!

the-lada-dude, Jul 9, 12:53am
resister in series would lower the load !

pollymay, Jul 9, 12:57am
ECUs already have voltage control and filters. The sensors wouldn't operate right if it couldn't precisely control voltage for the 5V circuits etc

supernova2, Jul 9, 1:50am
Did it cost much to purcase that device!
What is the ongoing operating costs!

moosie_21, Jul 9, 2:04am
Ongoing costs and maintenance would be much more than the price of gas savings for that model.

sr2, Jul 9, 2:12am
It was very cheap and easy to get into but is rapidly becoming a high maintenance device. I??

tonyrockyhorror, Jul 9, 2:20am
Those get very noisy as time goes on too. It starts with a little tolerable occassional chatter but that can quickly escalate into a very loud persistant roar.

Best you flick it off quickly, before it gets too bad - leave it too long and nobody with any brains will want anything to do with it.

sr2, Jul 9, 2:29am
You could well be right although my other option is to cut my losses, give it a quick rebore and bottom end job and get a few more years use out of it.

tonyrockyhorror, Jul 9, 3:06am
I tend to think that a top end rebuild is worth its weight in gold! And a bit of extra muffling.

kecal, Jul 9, 3:16am
ya gotta laugh