Hi Guys my Homelite 20cc saw idles ok but BOGGS down while opening throttle, cleaned carb. plug, checked fuel filter etc. new fuel also, could it possable be ignition{elect} !hoping some one has possible answerThanksLou
Jun 30, 5:31pm
Have you changed the sparkplug! Two strokes very hard on plugs
Jun 30, 5:35pm
Have you checked the back gasket as this makes the vacuum to suck the gas in
Jun 30, 5:48pm
Thanks for the quick replys.have done all the above postsi am leaning towards ignition moduelat least it is giving me something to do LOL
Jun 30, 6:06pm
Sounds to me that the prob is transition from idle to high speed jet. Open LOW speed screw in small increments til it's ok.You may have to reset idle screw( controls the throttle butterfly) to ensure an idle.If that's then ok, put saw in safe place , start it up, put screwdriver in HIGH spd adjustment, open throttle, screw in until saw is revving high then back screw off until engine note changes and revs drop slightly. Don't take all day to do this last bit. Readjust butterfly screw
Jun 30, 6:31pm
Go on you tube, type in 'donyboy73', he's got lots of different small engine repair videos and he's excellent at explaining things.
Jun 30, 7:55pm
thanks once again, have done all off the above posts. cul Lou
Jun 30, 9:46pm
take it to a saw shop.had the same prob with one of my huskys,turned out to be the primary coil.you could spend hours pulling things apart and get nowhere slowly
Jul 1, 1:07am
I reckon its the piston rings worn, and not enough compression.
Jul 1, 4:21am
Normally hard to start and won't idle with worn rings.
Sounds a lot more like a lean mixture.Could be a stuffed crank seal or vacuum leak through a carb base gasket of cylinder base gasket. Simple way to check is by pressure testing the crankcase.Will need to go to the shop to have this done though.
Good luck.
Jul 1, 4:22pm
There is an outside chance that there is a blockage in the exhaust. Check that before taking it to a shop.
Jul 2, 3:41am
no mention of airfilter or screen!
Jul 2, 7:34am
This guy is spot on, take muffler off you will find spark arrestor blocked check your fuel mixture screws they have anti tamper plastic tab that needs to be snapped off
your machine will be fine.also make sure of mixture it is 10 to 1.not25 to 1
Jul 2, 8:38am
, I can think of a few more.op has convinced him selfotherwise amore sinister electrical fault .All his time wasted , not thinking for himselflol
Jul 2, 4:39pm
Doubt very much its electrical, but change plug as an easy first thing. Reckon there may be more crap in the carb, or is the carb in need of a kit! Sounds like its way too lean. I'd be changing carb kit and cleaning it out with carb cleaner and compressed air.and I've never heard of a 20cc Homelite! How old is this saw.and as above a mixture of 10:1.that has to be a typo!.lol.25:1 with todays good oils is an extremely safe mix.but probably a bit smokey at times too. 40:1 with synthetic is very safe and reasonably clean.
Jul 2, 4:56pm
I agree with 40:1 .
Jul 2, 5:58pm
yup it was late, I think it is 40 to 1 or 50 to 1
I had same issue and it was exhaust gauze, my uncle worked in mower shops for years and you have to take that lock of the mixture srcews
Jul 2, 11:52pm
Thanks once again guys saw not here at the moment, will check exh. port etc later. will keep you postedcheers Lou
Jul 2, 11:57pm
update i understand this saw was a al chepo given away with farm product promation.{ must need a good drenching lol}
Jul 4, 8:58pm
Latest up date.saw arrived back, removed muffler and cleaned exht port, also spark arrester & muffler,all go now tuned carb.must have had a very senior moment.alls good thanks GuysLou
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