Camry wont change into top

jessie169, Jul 1, 2:02am
got a 95 1.8 auto camry and it wont change into top until it warms up.definatly a temp thing coz it changes sooner on a warmer morning than a cold one,,around a km before it goes into o/drive.any ideas! replaced rad,cap,pump,and thermostate yesterdar which seems to of made it worse.

ralphdog1, Jul 1, 2:21am
Isn't that the way they are meant to be!

jessie169, Jul 1, 2:24am
a m8 has a caldina and his does the same thing.mabe it is the way they are.

luke041, Jul 1, 2:28am
Yes its the way they go.

franc123, Jul 1, 2:28am
That is about right, its done so the engine isn't put under too much load when it is too cold, which using od at slowish speeds will do. Of course at this time of year warmup will take longer. Learn to live with it.

lyonruge, Jul 1, 2:52am
They dont go into OD until operating temp is reached.

zephyrheaven, Jul 1, 3:06am
Wouldnt hurt to have a nosey at the thermostat all the same

zephyrheaven, Jul 1, 3:10am
Oops , meant a Toyota thermostat - never had any joy with an aftermarket one on those models - something about em.

jessie169, Jul 1, 3:14am
i have put a aftermarket thermostate in but will try a original toyota one

lugee, Jul 1, 7:27am
I've never had any luck with aftermarket thermostats in general. I had a cooling fan constantly on after reaching operating temp situation after installing an aftermarket, that went away after putting an OEM one in. Both supposedly had the same specifications.

the-lada-dude, Jul 1, 2:47pm
yes thats the way they work, just had the same trouble with a '921.8 camry. new it had to be the thermo, took it out, looked ok, gave it the boiling water test and open and close ok, but not right closed, small gap of maybe 1.5mmmmmmsurely that kittle gap won't make any difference !oh yes it does !, because i reassembled unit and same problem. took the bloody thing out on friday and beat the shit out of it till i got it to close completely ( testing with the boiling water )wanged the little begger back in & hay presto, beauty mate

magicmat, Jul 1, 2:50pm
Ah I wondered why that happened to one I used to have. I thought it was a fault but there you go.

pzkpfw, Jul 1, 3:38pm
A mechanic who used to be next-door told me to do the following with a car I had similar issues with (but I sold that car before doing it. So I don't really know, just repeating his advice.):
Drain the transmission and replace or clean it's filter.
A gummed-up filter in the transmission can mean it doesn't like to work until everything is warmed up.
You are trying to change the way the engine warms (thermostat and stuff) but maybe that's not really the cause of the problem.

the-lada-dude, Jul 1, 4:17pm
iv'e driven quite a few of this type of toyota, and they all have this over drive and torque converter lock up system until water temp gets to a certain limit

curlcrown, Jul 1, 11:28pm
That is not a fault, it is a feature. It is so the engine gets up to running temperature quickly and does not labour when cold.