Looking for a good glass/windscreen polish

jack47, Jun 29, 3:13am
Hi, My windscreen has bad water/rain spots that just won't come off with normal cleaning etc. Anyone had this problem and what did you do to fix it! Any help really appreciated.

fordcrzy, Jun 29, 3:17am
just run down to your local car painter and get some water based cutting/rubbing compound. it works a treat. all the other wives tale concoctions are stupidly just that. get the buffing compound and some cheese cloth. wet the cloth and rub away. you will be surprised at how effective it works.i spent 5 years as a car groomer so i know what im talking about

supernova2, Jun 29, 4:21am
I'd see if you could talk the car painter into running his buff over the windowscreen for you.Bit of cash might go along way towards getting it down.Fordcrzy is right its the only way to get it clean.

fordcrzy, Jun 29, 4:27am
the normal solvent based polishes just dont work. it has to be the paste that they water down for buffing paintwork

thejazzpianoma, Jun 29, 4:38am
If you have some, try some "showerpower" sometimes it works a treat in that situation. Worth a shot, great stuff for cleaning the shower too.

fordcrzy, Jun 29, 4:51am
oh dear here come the old wives tale concoctions

johnf_456, Jun 29, 4:59am

beart0y, Jun 29, 5:43am
Try Brasso. Works a treat.

socram, Jun 29, 6:09am
Jeweller's rouge used to be the accepted means of polishing glass and getting rid of minor imperfections, but times have moved on.

austingtir, Jun 29, 4:07pm
fordcrzy is right even standard automotive polishes with super fine steel wool or with the abrasive as he said works good.

carclan, Jun 29, 7:46pm
I had this problem with my S500 Mercedes, I went to Pacer chemical in Christchurch and the sold me some water spot remover - by a crate of beer though as you will work a sweet doing it.

Maybe just drink the beer and all will be good.

movnon, Jun 30, 2:03am
sometmes the "water spots" are actually etching of the glass from the lime they sometimes use on roadworks.(that is why they sometimes have signs that advise you to wash your car today). the lime is hard on paint (& polish) too. Good luck, just hope the spots aren't badly etched.

mrfxit, Jun 30, 2:16am
On badly stained or road grimed glass, I use a brand new soapy steelo pad.
The Std soapy Steelo pad.
Only enough water to make it lather & gently rub all over the glass with a consistently light pressure

philltauranga, Jun 30, 3:33am
I use autosol, or wicked both are used for polishing chrome. Have heaps of the stuff for the trucks, works very well on glass mirrors and windows for water spots.

kramsnave, Jun 30, 4:59am
3m do a product called finesse it, used this to polish salt stains and imperfections out of superyacht glass, works great