just wondering what these motors are like thinking of purchasing double cab truck, its non intercooled, what are they like for power! any common faults! also it needs water pump doing do i have to do cambelt at same time!
Jun 27, 4:43am
Absolutely brilliant.we have had 4 of them.97,2x 98s ,99 each one of then did 400.000 Kms without any major problems in fact 2 of them did 500,000 kms, before we sold them. those two are still being used every day, and must be nearing 600,000 by now.
Jun 27, 4:57am
thanks i have heard good things it needs water pump done just hoping can get away withoutdoing cam belt at sametime
Jun 27, 5:56am
Not sure on that ,ours were always serviced and work done at an independent workshop.
Jun 27, 6:52am
Do the belt.
Jun 27, 6:55am
Belts on here go for around $36.so why not do it! Water pump pulley comes off when you do the belt.and vice versa. so:)
Jun 27, 1:58pm
Good motor, better than the 3.0 L. We run these on a courier type run, 400,000 k a year, the odd one done front wheel bearing,s, butwith doing 900k a day that probably was,nt too bad.
Jun 27, 3:45pm
do they have a cam belt! or gear driven
Jun 27, 6:37pm
I don't think '98 Rodeos have a cambelt on their 4JB1 motors. Check with your mechanic anyway.
Jun 27, 8:08pm
Good point actually. Was just browsing Autodata and it appears that some 4JB1 engines like in the Bighorn, were belt drive. And some, like in the N series small trucks were gear driven. Odd if you ask me.
Jun 27, 8:43pm
Yeah, very odd. I'm guessing the gear drive motors were designated for "commercial use" only.
Jun 27, 10:05pm
NZ new Rodeos had the gear drive engine (I had one, brilliant thing) where the Jap domestic market had the belt drive motor. Not really sure why
Jun 29, 3:14am
if ya going to pull it apart enough to do the waterpump. do the cambelt while ya there mate. and dnt just do belt. when doing a cambelt always replace all tensioners and idler. 9/10 of the broken cambelts ive seen at work are cause by siezes tensioners or idles nt the belt itself. but bloody great little motor, good power, good torque, go forever
Jun 29, 3:55am
thanks steve appreciate it
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