Hi I had an falcon xr6 ute and sold as was overseas,coming back very soon and need to purchase another ute,but was never happy with the 2002 model as found it pretty thirsty.are there any utes out there that are fairly economical to run!I don't tow its just to carry the occasional load to tip,and some painting gear. any thoughts please! Im not fussed what sort of ute really,I did hear though late model falcons are far more economical that the 2002s,not sure if that is fact or not,
Jun 27, 3:12pm
How much do you have to spend!
Jun 27, 3:14pm
Company i used to do work with found that the LPG dedicated Falcons were cheaper to run that their diesel jap utes. That was a few years ago but interesting.
Jun 28, 2:40am
I have approx 18k to spend jazpianoma! why do you have something that might be of interest!
Jun 28, 2:57am
Other then all the euro crap Jazz will post up about :P The LPG Falcons are generally pretty solid vehicles and have similar performance to a petrol one. A lot of Rep/Lease companies are using them now as well as it is cheaper for them to have.
Otherwise anything from Nissan, Toyota etc will do the job fine. And to not fully ruin Jazz's post, some of the stuff from VW can be pretty good as well :)
Jun 28, 4:13am
Unless you need to be carrying loads most days of the week consider buying a smaller car or wagon and get a trailer instead, if you sren't doing this then you don't really need a ute. You will get something several years newer and with less kms for any given budget. 4 cyl petrol Jap utes are/have never been very fuel efficient or performed very well and while diesels are generally a good idea for high km or constant heavy loading, for the occasional user the economics otherwise don't really stack up.The traditional aussie utes actually compare favourably when it comes to overall running costs.
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