Another question; type of brake fluid

madeley, Jul 15, 1:58am
When my brake fluid ran out last week Repco sold me a bottle of DOT 5.1.Now it has all run out, if I need to top up tomorrow (before it goes to peugeot for repairs on Tuesday) can I use the DOT 4 Brake and Clutch fluid I have found in my garage!Is there any harm in using dot 4 then dot 5 - I don't know what this means.Thanks, Yvonne

madeley, Jul 15, 1:59am
BTW I don't have an owners manual.

skin1235, Jul 15, 1:59am
no harm at all

mugenb20b, Jul 15, 2:00am
You can use DOT 4 or DOT 5.1

You can't use DOT 5

madeley, Jul 15, 2:07am
Thank you:)

skiff1, Jul 15, 2:12am
I would be pretty concerned about driving it at all if it is going trough any volume of brake fluid! Drive very carefully.

sr2, Jul 15, 2:45am
Yes it does sound like you have a problem there, let us know a few more details and we can help you sort it out.

skin1235, Jul 15, 2:46am
try the educated guesses thread guys

hornnett, Jul 15, 3:00am
No kidding Sherlock.and how are you going to fix a brake problem over the net.

mantagsi, Jul 15, 3:44am
Quite simply Watson; by getting all possible information, those who are informed can offer their best possible advice as is to what the problem may be, and this will allow the OP to make the correct decision on how to go about effecting a repair, whether done by themselves or someone else. I have had people here offer me perfectly valid solutions to automotive problems of mine, and it worked out well in the end. Have faith in the system.

And just out of interest, why are you going around being the internet tough guy making all these antagonistic comments all over the motoring MB! It is a bit silly, why not give it a rest or even better, go stir the pot in General or Opinion, you will get rich pickings for your trolling there.

mantagsi, Jul 15, 3:44am
Quite simply Watson; by getting all possible information, those who are informed can offer their best possible advise as is to what the problem may be, and this will allow the OP to make the correct decision on how to go about effecting a repair, whether done by themselves or someone else. I have had people here offer me perfectly valid solutions to automotive problems of mine, and it worked out well in the end. Have faith in the system.

modie61, Jul 15, 3:47am
Try general or parenting hornnett,its good fun.

madeley, Jul 15, 4:14am
Thanks to helpful posters.I think I have some heads up now and have a plan of action.cheers:)

hornnett, Jul 15, 5:05am
Do you think anyone asking about what type of brake fluid is capable of doing a safe effective repair job on their car!See I said it all under a 100 words you should try it.

sr2, Jul 15, 5:49am
Don't feed the troll, the attention just encourages him/her.

johnf_456, Jul 15, 5:53am
What help can you offer to the OP.

OP, my first question would be if you don't know anyone mechanically minded take it to a garage and get their opinion. It may be more simpler than you think or if not let a mechanically minded friend look at it. That way you learn how to fix and diagnose the issue for future issues. Having a friend like that is always good to have, no one knows everything with cars even mechanics.

tonyrockyhorror, Jul 15, 6:15am
Yes, plenty, and many would possess better knowledge of hydraulics than a most mechanics. Industrial maintenance fitters spring immediately to mind.

sr2, Jul 15, 6:31am
You may have the wrong end of the stick there johnboy, I wasn't refering to the OP.

hornnett, Jul 15, 6:39am
Human nature my dear man means they cant help themselves,

johnf_456, Jul 15, 6:51am
I know you weren't