Pajero or delica injector pump.

rodeoclown, Jun 22, 3:19am
Does anyone know where I can get 1 for a 2.8 turbo diesel

n3d4sp3d, Jun 22, 3:25am
kings in rotorua, why not rebuild be better than second hand then you know the pump is in good cond and not going to do the same thing that your old pump is doing!

rodeoclown, Jun 22, 4:11am
I woyld love to.if I had $900.
Its all I need for a WOF now

intrade, Jun 23, 3:54am
scrap the heap its not worth the money to fix a pump on a vehicle that was designed to last 5 years. that is only the first problem of loads to come like broken off hose on water bowl automatic trans problems . etc are all just round the corner waiting for you.