Subaru Forester XT Smells of Petrol on cold start?
Jun 17, 7:43pm
For the last week at cold start the inside of the car stinks of petrol. Once the engine has warmed up it goes away. I took it to be checked at the local garage and they had it for the day and can't find anything wrong but can smell the problem! They said they had to wait for it to get cold, then start and quickly start checking before it went away again. It doesn't seem to be leaking or using any more gas than normal! Has anyone come across this before!
Jun 17, 10:25pm
Bump anyone!
Jun 17, 10:43pm
Is your heater on fresh air setting!
Jun 17, 11:44pm
My fozzie has always smelt a bit rich when I first start it, just put it down to the cat being cold and not able to do its job properly. As soon as it warms up it's fine. Never smell it in the cabin though sorry.
Jun 18, 4:23am
common issue, have a look under the bonnetlook down around injectors you will see where the rubber fuel line connects to the steel fuel lines running under the intake check around the clamps etc you will find one that is leaking when cold - normally on a frosty morning. Hopefully it will be the frount clamp behind the aircon pump a long phillips screw driver will get at it -tighten.
Jun 18, 5:13am
Not unheard of - IIRC, the fuel injection runs rich to get it started
Are you running an aftermarket exhaust!
Check the fuel lines as suggested. Shakespeare6 has it right, I think. If it's unusual.
Jun 18, 1:42pm
Could be that the car was overfilled at the gas station causing the breather to overflow into the charcoal filled cannister up front although it would have to be substantial to overflow that as well.
Jun 18, 3:48pm
My Terrano did this.simple fix!
Jun 19, 4:21am
it isthe smell of it sucking so much petrol the fumes cant help but get out.
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