Work wants me to use my van $$$$$$$

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megan23, Jun 16, 11:17pm
Work wants me to use my own van
Want would I bill them per km etc
They will pay for fuel

shuddupowh, Jun 16, 11:19pm
Just ask for a fuel card. Usually they ask you to write down the kms you use when you fill up.

patxyz, Jun 16, 11:23pm

megan23, Jun 16, 11:25pm
We don't write down Km s when we full up

tonyrockyhorror, Jun 16, 11:28pm
If they're paying for the fuel portion, deduct it from that to determine your reimbursement rate.

tonyrockyhorror, Jun 16, 11:29pm
Oh, well then. You couldn't possibly start.

megan23, Jun 16, 11:30pm
Well what would the rate be with out fuel on that 74cents

morticia, Jun 16, 11:33pm
It costs more than petrol to use your private vehicle for work, it costs in wear and tear and possibly violates your vehicle insurance policy. Do your homework.

patxyz, Jun 16, 11:34pm
13.37458972c precisely

morrisman1, Jun 16, 11:34pm
Don't let them get away with paying fuel only. Fuel is only half the running costs of a vehicle. You have tyre wear, maintenance, depreciation, general wear and tear and you should not be copping the cost of that

morrisjvan, Jun 16, 11:40pm
if it's just a one off job then a bit of gas money would be o.k ,but if they want you to use it full time then wear and tear,and insurance issues will have to come into it as above.

megan23, Jun 16, 11:41pm
So if I was to use it what would I bill them per km
They have been renting but the boss says it cost to much

megan23, Jun 16, 11:41pm
$3000 per m

tonyrockyhorror, Jun 16, 11:45pm
Yes, commercial vehicle insurance applies if you're using it for commercial purposes.

megan23, Jun 16, 11:46pm
It pisses me even they asked me
When I started they told me they would go buy a new sr5 now I have this sh-t

Left my old job where I got a new ute every two yours.

ema1, Jun 16, 11:46pm
If that's the case I suggest you "May be able to SMELL A RAT!" and you could be the loser and taken advantage of by "STEALTH."Be careful is all I can say !

ema1, Jun 16, 11:47pm
Proof of what I said in my previous post!

taipan4, Jun 16, 11:48pm
using it for work on a "domestic" insurance policy not a good look

megan23, Jun 16, 11:48pm
Tell me about it

megan23, Jun 16, 11:50pm
Mmm that insurance costs a lot
When I was working for myself it cost me 1300.00+gst a year

tonyrockyhorror, Jun 16, 11:52pm
Yep. Guy I work with just renewed his at $850+GST for a 10 y.o. ute.

net_oz, Jun 16, 11:53pm
How much personal use do you use it for! If they pay all your fuel needs it could be worthwhile especially if you travel a lot outside work hours.

mortluby, Jun 16, 11:55pm
Quite simple, say no, where's my SR5 and start negotiations from there. Find out the lease value of the SR5 and running costs per km and this will give you a monthly cost and a running cost. Don't forget the commercial insurance you will have to fork out for as well as any tax implications.

It will also give your boss the message not to piss you around.

megan23, Jun 16, 11:56pm
Don't use it at all for personal use
Have a car that I drive for personal
We use it to go camping at xmass

bitsy_boffin, Jun 17, 12:07am
Sell them the van.