If you fill your car up and go to pay at which point you are asked to wait while they drop the price on the pumps.Do you think you should pay the price it was before they dropped it or the new price on the pump since you haven't paid before that price drop.
Aug 8, 9:40pm
Sounds like you want to start an arguement over a dollar!
Aug 8, 10:00pm
Would you want to pay the price on the pump before it went up, or once in the shop when they've just raised it! Since you haven't paid for it already.
Aug 8, 10:08pm
Nope wasn't me was just someone I know and I was curious thats all.I buy my petrol from Pak n Save so don't have this occur.
Aug 8, 10:08pm
Actually I think they should rise the price either at the start of the day before any customers or the end of the day again, no customers in shop.
Aug 8, 10:55pm
I would expect you pay the price shown on the pumpbefore you started filling the car. The price was listed, you accepted the price by filling the car.
Aug 8, 11:45pm
I think that once you have put the nozzle in your car and squeezed the trigger you are accepting the price that the pump is displaying and therefore should pay that price.
Aug 9, 12:32am
Lets put another angle on yhis, the petrol in the gas stations tank was,nt bought at that price, so what if they waited till the tank was empty, of course this works the same when petrol goes up , so its a balance,
Sep 25, 12:47pm
i was filling up when gas was $2.189. they cut me off after 10L to put the price up. (bp porirua). didn't worry me, i wasn't paying.
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