Engine stand

quickstitch, Jul 17, 2:51am
this stand barely held my small block, but it look downright dangerous with the big block on it. i need to remove the sump, but i dont think i will rotate it over and undo it. i will leave the chain and crane supporting it. And it was the heavy duty stand, forget their weight rating but i'm sure it was more than 1400 lb.

trader_84, Jul 17, 2:56am
Jesus . wot a POS.

quickstitch, Jul 17, 3:05am
i think a 6/71 would send it crashing down. i will start stripping it down to get some weight off it. undoing the heads might be a task with the engine bouncing

trader_84, Jul 17, 3:14am
I brought a stand years ago and have never used it. I pulled it out the other week with the intention of hanging a big Chrylser from it. My one looks to be of a heavier construction than the one in your pic and is even a 4 wheeled one. Upon closer inspection though - wot a turd. I'm going to add some gussets and a couple of extra supports I think. I just sold a 'mint' (really, it was a good one) 671 the other week and have an old 671 case (holed) as a door stop in the shed. They are heavyish suckers, aye!!

quickstitch, Jul 17, 3:38am
yeah that one of mine is a four wheel unit. It needs welding up to take the play out legs. and i need to cut the back out of the upright support and lean the upright back a few degrees and weld it there. But there is still a bit of slop in the rotating head, cant do anything with that tho.
yeah have lifted a 671 off a motor in an engine bay, two of us, not an easy task

clanky, Jul 17, 4:08pm
Judging by the bend in the verical tube, this stand is already stuffed and I wouldn't take the weight off the crane. JMTCW.

jokerboss, Jul 17, 6:24pm
lol overloaded, RTFM, buy cheap Chinese stands what do you expect lol

1000lb~450kg max

xpfairmont, Jul 17, 6:33pm
Not to sure about the way the block is bolted to it, why are you only using the top holes on the block and not the lower ones!

tnt423, Jul 17, 6:36pm
Need to put a brace up the middle with those ones, I had my rb26dett on one like that wouldn't hold it until it was braced up still wasn't that stable tho.

sifty, Jul 17, 6:56pm

tonyrockyhorror, Jul 17, 7:27pm
That's not going to change the bending moment which is the problem.

quickstitch, Jul 17, 9:58pm
i am using the top bellhousing bolts and the next two down. cant use the bottom two because the adjustment wont stretch that far. the big block has quite a wide bellhousing bolt pattern.

cuda.340, Jul 17, 11:21pm
wow that looks heavy, no wonder they use them as boat anchors. paint it blue so it dont scare the fish. :)

trader_84, Jul 17, 11:28pm
Cheap design!

cuda.340, Jul 17, 11:31pm
chevy small block model!

trader_84, Jul 17, 11:33pm
I was talking about the arse end of his chebby

zephyrheaven, Jul 18, 2:28am
Ive had a 302w long motor on a cheap chinese one for about 5 years now - holding up well, even managed to wander off about 6 meters in the Feb quake - ha ha

saki, Jul 19, 12:26am
I have an ex MOWorks stand, talk about a tax payer funded overkill.

trader_84, Jul 19, 1:12am
Saki . pic

cowlover, Jul 19, 7:04am
I had one which ahd a 6inch pipe for the rotating pivot.I think it was made for cat engines.Some "scumbag" pinched it.Well it probably took several scumbags as it weighed about 10 ton.

cuda.340, Jul 24, 2:39am
yep them splayed legs on that stand could definately be a b!tch trying to get up close with the lifter alright. otherwise it looks fine

quickstitch, Jul 24, 2:46am
you wont find a chevy in my shed. 460 cubes of ford fun. pulled the old sump off, now i really need to rotate it to put the new sump on.so that means taking the chain off and trusting the engine stand only.
i bolt the rotating head of the stand to the motor while the motor is still on the crane, then lift the engine stand up and slide it onto the head. and then lower the whole lot onto the ground, found that easiest

trader_84, Jul 24, 2:57am
Hmmmmm . theres an idea. On another thing but related sorta . I swapped the ram on the engine lifter for an 8t one I got from off here. The original one had a sticker saying 3t on it. They all look the same though. But this 8t goes alot better than the original one . especially when we G-Clamp a length of thickwall 50x50mm box to the top of the lifter to extend its reach, lol! You find out where the tipping point is with a big block this way also, arrgghhh!

cuda.340, Jul 24, 4:36am
i extended my boom on my lifter too, definately helps when working on extracting Rebels motor n trans, but then so does an alloy block n heads. the 50x50 box used in chinese lifters seems to have been measured with a rule missing 4mm, replacing the boom with kiwi 50x50 definately makes the lifter more positive.