Wifes Nissan Presage (newer shape 2004!) on cold frosty mornings the inside of front windscreen is really wet. Would this be due to something like door seals not sealing! Or a water leak into the car! I reckon the seats feel a bit damp at times too. Any ideas!
Jul 17, 4:24pm
it's damp. Open windows and leave in sun. Run with aircon on for a few days [even if set to warm], it'll dry out the car. And check for leaks, obviously.
Jul 17, 4:25pm
If you took all the seats, upholstery, rooflining etc out and stuck it all in a huge centrifuge, you'd get a good couple of litres of water. At night this water simply condenses on the screen.
Jul 17, 4:32pm
Thanks, will try it out. Would it be possible for it to get damp if there was no leak do you think! My falcon which parks next to it doesnt have this problem. Curious to know if this would be caused due to an air leak through the rubbers or because it is sealed too tight and air cant get in!
Jul 17, 4:53pm
mdread-Its VERY unlikely you have a water leak. I import and sell a LOT of this make/model and they do have one "fault" . Almost every one has needed a deep wetvac clean of all the seats because they are so grimey.This time of year its virtually impossible to get the moisture out of them.They feel dry on top but everything is damp deep inside. To fix it. First off DRY the windows so that water cant go back into the system. Then get inside the car hot just simply by running the heater full hot. Basicly drive it normally but with the heater going When you get homepush the front seats as far forwards as you can and the middle seats as far back as you can and put a small dehumidifyer in the middle of the car-I run the cord in through the passenger window then use rags on top of the glass so the window cant close onto the cord but the car is as sealed up as possible.(stops the dehimidifyer trying to dry out your garage Fire it up when you get home. just bvefore bedtime go out and empty the tray.Next morning dont be suprised if the water tray is full. I'd probably do it over two nights this time of year.
Jul 17, 4:58pm
*with* aircon on. otherwise you just create steam, which condenses again. The airon also dries the air.Household dehumidifier also a great idea, I do this from time to time with my outside dwelling cars
Jul 17, 5:04pm
Thanks guys will do. These two cars stay outside all year round. The only fault I can see is the drivers door seal has a rip in it at the bottom. But yes have definetly always thought the seats felt damp this time of year. have owned this Presage abour 1 1/2 years. Cant remember if we had this problem last winter, but more than likely we did. I hardly drive it.
Jul 17, 5:19pm
cant believe only 1 person has suggested the dehumidifier!
get you dehumidifer or your mate's one, chuck it in the affected vehicle, empty when full repeat until car is dry inside.
this might take several days., but requires minimal effort or skill
Jul 17, 5:25pm
yea sounds like a plan, should do the trick. Was curious how it got so damp in there but kazbanz had the answer with the wetvac i think.
Jul 17, 6:42pm
Does your wife drive it around with the vents on recirculating! It's surprising the number of people who inadvertently do that. It will accumulate a lot of moisture very quickly if that is the case. Easy fix too!
Jul 17, 6:47pm
I bet that^ works. Our cars are under cover but still moisture gets in so sometimes I put a fan heater in there and let it heat right up - works a treat.
Jul 17, 6:51pm
+ 1 I see this fairly often. Just check that it's set to fresh.
Jul 17, 6:59pm
yea not sure, will check that out too, cheers
Jul 18, 12:58am
go for a drive with all the windows down. I drove home from work yesterday with lots of fresh air.
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