It's not just cars.

bellky, Jul 17, 11:48pm
How is this appropriate tonyrockyhorror.

richardmayes, Jul 18, 12:21am
Why do you spend so much time on here offering free advice and help to people, when you obviously don't enjoy it much!

Smile, it makes people wonder what you've been getting up to.

dr.doolittle, Jul 18, 1:23am
Short men are just like that.

tonyrockyhorror, Jul 18, 1:25am
Filling in for Johnny!

tonyrockyhorror, Jul 18, 1:27am
I do enjoy it. And part of the advice is. think about what it is you're asking and get your frigg'n ducks in a row before you ask for advice!

tonyrockyhorror, Jul 18, 1:28am
Yep. I'm a right little pipsqueak. Zeph knows what a tiny wee runt I am!

dr.doolittle, Jul 18, 1:30am
I bet you are, with the amount of time you spend here.

tonyrockyhorror, Jul 18, 1:33am
Yep, I'm far too scared to go outside. There are big scary people out there and they make fun of my haircut and the way my Mum dresses me. I'm sure you know how THAT feels.

dr.doolittle, Jul 18, 1:36am
Aint that the truth.

zephyrheaven, Jul 18, 2:10am
Tiny wee bloke, couldnt pick him in a line up at the Wonka Factory to be honest

zephyrheaven, Jul 18, 2:14am
Its a shame that sometimes the written word doesnt translate as well as the spoken, a sign of the times I suppose - but Tony is a stand up bloke, I have hours for him - but knowing someone personally (off the boards say) is something else - I guarantee if the TMMB met up in a dodgy bar somewhere you would all be crowded around him, lovely bloke - thats after we had chucked a few bodies in the boot of his Falcon of course - this place needs a cull after all

bellky, Jul 18, 4:55pm
Filling in for myself actually. And who's 'Johnny'.

therafter1, Jul 18, 5:33pm
You need to ask ! . lol

gadgit3, Jul 18, 6:00pm
Lol ya missed the deal there bellky.
He's answering your first question lol

bellky, Jul 20, 9:57pm
That would never happen with me zephyrheaven as I never go to 'dodgy bars', ever.

bellky, Jul 21, 9:58pm
Looks like you got an answer.

mantagsi, Jul 21, 10:22pm
Haha, nice one - don't be concerned though, Johnny will be in soon I am sure

bellky, Jul 21, 10:33pm
Never heard of it if it's a bar. I've heard of a blue waffle though.

bellky, Jul 22, 4:28pm
Someone answered anyway.