Lowering springs and tyre wear.

turton, Aug 7, 4:29am
Hi, im thinking of purchasing some neuspeed racing springs for my integra type r, just wondering if a wheel alignment will fix the camber and toe issues after car has been lowered, or will i need some adjustable camber arms (which will require a cert, so puts me off a bit). I dont wanna be changing tyres every couple of months

also, will they work fine with stock shocks!

mantagsi, Aug 7, 4:30am
I know very little about hondas but I do know that the forum at nzhondas will be the best place to ask most likely, they are pretty dedicated there. Someone here may have the answer for you hopefully! Good luck

a18a, Aug 7, 5:20am
From what I've read on the interwebs, toe will be more likely to cause tyre wear than camber after lowering. A simple wheel alignment is probably all you'll need.

turton, Aug 7, 4:02pm
any one know if an alignment will fix the toe/camber issues!

esprit, Aug 7, 4:58pm
Wheel alignment will help the toe but not fix the camber much at all. You'll need adjustable camber arms. Lowering your Type R will do very little for it in isolation.

mrfxit, Aug 8, 2:41am
Tho, Will help finance the police & panel beaters a bit more.
Give ppl following you something to giggle about as you go on an angle over speed bumps so that you don't rip your front panels off & THEN giggle harder when you DO rip the front off on a simple speed bump

turton, Aug 8, 3:26am

lowering car as i want it a bit stiffer for track use, and i dont like the huge gap in my wheel arches.

esprit, Aug 8, 3:35am
Lower, stiffer springs without stiffening the damping coefficient on the shocks will just make it bouncy and slower on track. Keep it stock for now, save up a bit and get a good shock/spring combo (or adjustable perch setup) and team it with some camber arms. You'll need a cert for this, but it's the only way you'll get a meaningful improvement.

turton, Aug 8, 3:46am
id rather do things without getting a cert which is why i opted for the spring/ shock combo over the coilovers. Do you know (approx) how much for 4 new shocks! cheers :)

movnon, Aug 8, 4:21pm
IMO spend your dough (hard earned is it!) on the best tyres you can get & have a wheel alignment as neutral as the specs allow. Real good tyres will handle like on rails & brake on a dime (if your brakes& suspension are any good).