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kngfhrt, Aug 4, 11:35pm
not only did SUPERCHEAP sell me the wrong thermostat after giving them the cars correct details they now are telling me after a heated discussion down the blower to take it back to them and they will credit me the 20bux i paid for the dam thing and give me the correct one. so now i am expected to put my thermostat housing back on the car fill it with water and drive the 42k's it is to my nearest supercheap all because some slapper behind the counter made a mistake!not only have i been victimized but ive also been told the correct thermostat is now 65bux wt!thats 45bux more than thefirst mistake they sold me!this is a 19933cylinder 800cc daihatsu mira wer talking about not a friggin rolls royce!

cuda.340, Aug 4, 11:37pm
tell us what you really think

mugenb20b, Aug 4, 11:44pm
LMAO when I read the title!

kngfhrt, Aug 4, 11:47pm
the money they want just for a piece of buckled up tin could almost fill my cars tank fill of petrol twice!supercheap rip off thieving con artist!

matarautrader, Aug 4, 11:48pm
Staff in supercheap arn't employed because they are smart, knowledgeable, or even know what end of the car has a towbar on.

superdave0_13, Aug 4, 11:51pm
Don't get upset. This is the motoring equivalent of being rickrolled.

kngfhrt, Aug 4, 11:56pm
i brought this little diamond because its fuel efficient but now Im just about to drive the figgin thing off a cliff!

net_oz, Aug 4, 11:57pm
Shoulda tried Repco.

gunhand, Aug 5, 12:00am
I take it you decided to do this task at the weekend when some of the better suppliers are not open then. And why call her a slapper! You make a pass at her and she said no! You never made a mistake in ya life! Till you have walked a mile in there shoes I wouldnt comment .And I would be interested in her side of the story. I reckon you would be one of those obnoxious people who gives as little info as possable and looks down ya nose at people who work in those places.
You know what they always say, check before you leave the shop. Sure you may not have started the job yet but that can be the risk you take.
Maybe she didnt like your attitude and gave you the wrong one in the first place, no skin off her nose and prob laughin for rest of day.

mugenb20b, Aug 5, 12:03am
Thermostat for an Alfa Romeo 156 is $380. You feel better!

kngfhrt, Aug 5, 12:07am
dont worry bot it smoking gun my ravings over!its good to vent it instead of holding it all in your tail pipe!new day tomorrow!

kngfhrt, Aug 5, 12:13am
i feel insanely much better Mugen!holy molya 3 figure thermostat!my composure has been restored! )

gunhand, Aug 5, 12:17am

phillip.weston, Aug 5, 12:22am
I would say the catalogue is wrong. I vividly recall when I worked at Supercheap having the same issue with the same era Daihatsu. The staff can only go by the information provided - I had to show the customer at the time the listing in the Tridon catalogue along with the listing on the computer, which turned out to be wrong.

grangies, Aug 5, 12:23am

LOL. How is that being victimised!

flack88, Aug 5, 12:33am
Thats cost of motoring,often those eco box ,death traps,are not maintained at all ,because the owners have other priorties.

1coppertone, Aug 5, 12:38am
hahaha gosh i love sundays!LOL

franc123, Aug 5, 3:08am
If you think thats a pain, wait until you need a new cylinder head for it when the one you've got goes soft and warps. The lesson here is that you should have gone straight to a Toyota (Daihatsu) agentfor a part for any of those old oddball Jap tin cans, they've got computers and/or microfilms that recognise VIN codes and tell you what fits what and exactly when spec changes occured etc, whereas the likes of sca umm haven't. Chances are it would probably be cheaper anyway.

franc123, Aug 5, 3:14am
Lol yeah they are often a particular type of mechanically illiterate, anally retentive ninny.

thejazzpianoma, Aug 5, 3:14am
Funny, I ordered one for mine the other day. $80
Not from Superheap though.

jason_247, Aug 5, 3:15am
wow op your an idiot

5 to 1 odds this guy sends death threats to jim hickey when the rain victimizes him by getting the washing wet

btw go in there and tell the girl you think she is a bimbo see what happens then

bet she knows more about cars than you

stevexc, Aug 5, 3:25am
Jizzimy jillickers batman.Thermostat for my Orthia was $29 from Honda,
And they gave me the right one :P

james63, Aug 5, 3:40am
Wikipedia encyclopedia:Slapper- Metalworking hand tool. quite a fitting name under those circumstances i think.

mugenb20b, Aug 5, 5:00am
This was from Ripco.4 years ago. The T/stat and housing was one unit.

strobo, Aug 5, 12:13pm
Shhhhhhh. what ever you do don"t point out the missing cylinder to him ! he will go off his rocker