Front tyre wear: bill rob. anybody

the-lada-dude, Aug 6, 12:33am
stock toyota camry19934 cyli'm not sure, but any thoughts on why both fnt tyres are wearing on the inner tread, camber looks ok.without me running string lines or stuffing it on a m/cetc( not in the mood )any quick ideas.personally i think it maybe too far toed out .

rob_man, Aug 6, 1:13am
I would agree with you.

unbeatabull, Aug 6, 1:44am
Toe out. Otherwise have seen too much castor cause this as well.

bill-robinson, Aug 6, 2:10am
you should be able to eyeball toe in/out and it is probably out way mentioned

nzfatie, Aug 6, 3:49am
You'd need Six Million Dollar eyes to tell if your car has too much toe in/out just by looking at the wheels.LOL
Drag your finger tips across the tyre thread in both directions.if it feels 'feathered' you have a toe in or toe out problem.
This problem will show across the whole width of the tyre, not just the inside.
Wear on just the inside is ALWAYS caused by too much negative camber and just like toe in or can't tell the camber by looking at the wheels.the car needs to go on a wheel alignment machine.

snoopy221, Aug 6, 4:15am
Bill-Meh ya don't want one-Rob! Meh
Back to da basics ya tyres are SCREAMIN-AND COMPLAININ-AND.
The wear is the way they wanna go.
I.E. wear inside= toe out= Toe In Required

the-lada-dude, Aug 6, 2:17pm
OK OKi'll check it properly,

bill-robinson, Aug 6, 2:53pm
Gee I must be worth $12,000,000. I think I will run an auction