Cheap Asian tyre distributors.

carmedic, Jul 31, 3:04am
Anyone got any details/experience of distributors/importers/wholesa-
lers of cheap, budget, Chinese or Indian etc car tyres!
Note: I??

treachug, Jul 31, 4:53am
Are you looking for a supplier! Or had bad experience!

carmedic, Jul 31, 4:55am
Yes, sorry if that wasent clear

trdbzr, Jul 31, 5:35am

carmedic, Jul 31, 5:46am
Yes I've used Google too!
I'm looking for Wholesalers/importers based (or at least with a presents) in NZ. I want to buy 50-100 mixed size cheap new budget tyres from someone capable of restocking weekly, not a set of 18's for my Evo look Lancer!
Your second link is just for Billy Bunter!

trdbzr, Jul 31, 6:02am
YHI are distributors to a number of retail outlets like Hyper, Mag n Turbo etc

v8_mopar, Jul 31, 3:53pm
You seem a bit abrupt carmedic for someone trying to get free info

supernova2, Jul 31, 5:11pm
I do wonder sometimes where all these odd brands of tyres come from.Obviously ( I think) the big boys would be bringing in their own cheep brands but just about everywhere you look there is a tyre outfit with zillions of unheardof brands and no two outfits seem to have the same.
Maybe if you can find the manufactures web sites you could locate the local distributors.I did that years ago to get a replacement singaporean mag wheel and it worked.

buyme3, Jul 31, 5:24pm
Someone else setting up selling cheap rubbish to unsuspecting public

attitudedesignz, Jul 31, 7:04pm
No, i'd say in carmedics line of business he would get asked 'bout tyres quite a bit, so why not add another string to his bow.

splinter67, Jul 31, 7:09pm
Talk to RJs tyres in Napier they import there own

carmedic, Aug 1, 3:10am
Not any more mate, I used to use RJ's several times a week Jason and Gareth were both awesome!
Jason recently (maybe a month ago) sold up to another Jason who moved the business back to Wakefield St (only opposite where they first started it). Prices have massively increased and he (new Jason) never seems to have anything in stock and takes an age to tell you that on the phone! (I cant afford to spend the day on the phone ringing round for prices and waiting on hold, only to be told we can get that for you tomorrow, SO CAN I.)
We've worked our wayround all the tyre dealers in town and basically hand on heart cant recommend any, with the possible exception of Stevo's tyres).
I have my own tyre changer and balancer and when a car is on the hoist and just failed its WoF on a couple of tyres, all people are interested in is the here, now.and how much. We can all get premium tyres over night but the reality is people want cheap!
No one locally holds the budget stock (at budget money) so I thought I might as well sink $10K into budget stock, and know exactly what I have and what it costs as tyre prices seem to go up and down like the tide in this town!

zephyrheaven, Aug 1, 3:18am
Open an account with Value Tyres & Tyremax (Hankook & Maxxis respectively)
Never had a problem

carmedic, Aug 1, 3:22am
Thanks mate, will look into that, I have a few leads now and a few reps calling in the next few days.

cp2011, Aug 1, 3:24am
Had good experiance with these guys. far away from you tho.Have really competitive prices and the tyres are half decent,. havn't had any warranty claims yet

zephyrheaven, Aug 1, 3:25am
The two I use are good, Blairs (Kumho) are good if you want 4x4 & performance tyres also - but main holding is miles from you

Everyone knocks them but when the car is worth $900 washed, they dont want $200 a corner Pirelli's - why is the warehouse booming in NZ again! Ahem

carmedic, Aug 1, 3:28am
I'm petty sure their rep is coming tomorrow!

carmedic, Aug 1, 3:32am
Its called reality mate!
But we're the nasty business owners trying to 'sell cheap rubbish to unsuspecting public'. LOL

scuba, Aug 1, 4:54am
good luck with that. trouble is 10 grand aint a lot of tyres.because there areso many different sizes and profiles no matter what you have in stock you rarely have the particular size the customer needs. why do you think your wholesalers has to get them in overnight!
better off letting them carry the cost cos there'sbugger all money in tyres when some of your competition fit them for cost plus 10

carmedic, Aug 1, 5:36am
Actually if you JUST carry budgets (in pairs only) $10k (cost) is plenty however if you're right I'll spend $20k but I wont need to. My wholesalers supply over night because they aren't local NOT due to availability. Local tyre shops (retail) attempt to carry a mix of budget, mid range and premium and thus for the very reason you suggest fail on all counts. As far as I'm concerned, if I'm the only person who can supply a budget tyre today in town at a realistic price and the cars already on the hoist wheres the competition! The point you're missing is I know my customers, generally they're lazy (no offence intended if reading) what they want is a friendly ONE STOP auto shop (call it an auto solution) that wont charge them the earth while being straight forwardand honest in their dealing.

v8_mopar, Aug 1, 6:42am
#12 yep profs in the pudding. Its was just constructive criticism, sorry if you cant take it

budgel, Aug 1, 4:52pm

xs1100, Aug 2, 4:05am
try cpa car parts i know they do a heap of tyres also