Radioactive air filters, replacement instructions

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thejazzpianoma, Jul 19, 5:31am
I probably won't have time to stick around and answer questions relating to this.

I did some more reading the other day and came across some recommendations for replacing the engine and cabin air filters in post Fukishima disaster Japanese imported vehicles.

The recommendations are:

1. Replace all filters as soon as possible, radioactive hot particles can dislodge from the filters at any time.

2. Place used filters immediately into a zip lock bag. If possible hold the bag right up to the filter as you unclip it so any dust falls directly into the opening.

3. Lightly misting the filter with a spritz bottle of water can help keep hot particles from dislodging as you remove the filer. The emphasis is on a very light application though, do not soak the filter.

4. Wearing disposable rubber gloves and a proper respirator is recommended where possible.

5. They don't mention this but to me it would make sense to wipe any dust out of filter housings with a damp rag and dispose of the rag in a zip lock bag as well.

These particles are not highly radioactive in that being in the vicinity of them will cause problems. The danger is that once you inhale them they lodge in your lungs or air tracts until the day you die.

Once lodged there they are radioactive enough to damage the cells in surrounding tissue causing cancer and other issues. These particles are on the ground throughout Japan and concentrate themselves in the air filters due to the massive quantity's of air that travel through these filters.

The car dosn't have to be flagged as radioactive or even be from an area near fukushima to be a problem.

Laugh it up or take it seriously. its your health and your decision.

mantagsi, Jul 19, 5:37am
Cheers, good advice - not like I am in the position to buy a late model car at this point in time, but these are one of those things that can slip the mind sometimes, especially as I imagine importers aren't in any great hurry to advertise the fact their cars might be contaminated! By the way, I bought a WOF/reg'd RUC'd MK2 Golf diesel for $100, I mentioned it a few weeks ago, I love it! Go the Euros :D

franc123, Jul 19, 5:44am
Is this not being checked at the border by MAF! They are concerned with spiders and apple cores and dirt trapped in somebodys gumboot sole but not with nuclear fallout! Typical bloody NZ.

thejazzpianoma, Jul 19, 5:46am
Great work! Hang for that price you can't go wrong, considering if you sold it to a scrappie you would make on the deal!
Chances are though you will get a good run out of it. Never had a MK2 myself but loved my MK3 GTI which was well ahead of its time.

thejazzpianoma, Jul 19, 5:50am
Some are having a Geiger counter waved at them but those checks are just for obvious radiation that will affect those in the vicinity of the vehicle. It won't do anything for checking the filters.

The thing is if the car has been driven in Japan since the disaster its going to have hot particles in the air filters, its pretty much guaranteed, some will have more than others but all are a health risk.

Yes the Government should wake up and at minimum insist on all filters being changed or removed in Japan before export. However our government is beyond hopeless when it comes to these things, especially if its going to upset industry lobbyists.

thejazzpianoma, Jul 19, 5:54am
BTW, there is concern in the industry for the health of Japanese mechanics changing air filters in cars over there. ponder that for a while.

savanna71, Jul 19, 6:02am
How far do we go Jazz do we stop imports from america due to TMI and all the atmospheric nuclear testing. How about Australia and all the atmospheric nuclear bomb tests carried out there. Ive just came back from Fukushima in Feb and its life as usual over there no doom and gloom

thejazzpianoma, Jul 19, 6:08am
How far do we go!

Its simple and cost effective to change the air filters on these vehicles and prevent the very real and expensive health risk.

If you want to sit in a car breathing up radioactive dust that will be forever stuck in your lungs be my guest. In fact, why not go and get a job removing asbestos from ceilings, you could make a fortune since you won't have to waste any money on protecting clothing.

Its "life as usual" in Fukushima because most have little choice. It dosn't make the health risks any less because they have a positive attitude.

Also. as always those with vested economic interests both in Japan and here are rushing to try and discredit anyone who dare point out a real health risk that might hurt those in the industry.

esprit, Jul 19, 6:21am
Maybe if the car was driven in the area surrounding Fukushima in the days after particle ejection, then there'd be a chance. but given that there are particles from Chernobyl going through our lungs every day, the risk is minimal.

thejazzpianoma, Jul 19, 6:28am
No this is not the case at all.

I really wish people would research before belittling a serious health risk that could affect most of us.

I have explained this many times but I will explain it again. The dust in most of Japan is well contaminated. It gets concentrated in the air filters because of the massive volume of air that goes through them. It dosn't matter where in Japan that the car has come from, all that matters is that it has been driving around in Japan since the disaster. The only way that a car will mostly likely be safe is if it has been in a garage and not started/driven since the disaster. Likewise brand new cars from Japan should mostly be fine also.

Hang, the problem is so widespread they are busy testing in case this turns out to be a problem thousands of miles away in the States! (not from imported cars but from the dust blowing that far).

Sorry if my response sounds rude or blunt but trying to get people to understand this concept is frustrating to say the least.

This is not a case of maybe or possibly. people have sat car air filters on photographic film and when developed its lit up like a christmas tree with hot particles. The filters are so contaminated that one university got snotty because they had to pay a huge fee to dispose of the filter as Nuclear waste.

thejazzpianoma, Jul 19, 6:37am

saki, Jul 20, 12:07am
I spent time in Nagasaki in the early 70s are the filters as bad as that.

savanna71, Jul 20, 1:20am
Yeah its a nice city (the "Mitsubishi" city), the tinfoil hats predicted that no vegetation would grow there for 75 years either

nightsky1, Jul 20, 1:29am
appreciate your efforts jazz

moosie_21, Jul 20, 5:30am
It's a simple task to change and a good one to do, but seriosuly, there isn't that much of a danger. Don't get the chickens and sheep in a panic over nothing. Thanks anyways.

asa50, Jul 20, 4:26pm
Nothing sells like paranoia, if I was to say that an activity that you do will expose you to a 1000% increase in that radiation that you are exposed to then people should be outraged! This activity is known and well documented, its flying in aircraft.
There is alot of disinformation out there by people who do not understand what they are on about but have the idea that any amount of radiation will give us double headed babies. I have read people refusing to have their organic apples x-rayed because of the radiation health effects but happily get on a plane.
The levels on the linked files are within legal limits for NZ, I have some questions about the test as well.
What is the age and operating hours of the filter!
What are the levels now!
Was the vehicle operated by a non smoker (another source of radiation).
The effects of radiation are not secret and well documented by its use in radiotherapy.
By all means be care full when changing filters, I would be interested in seeing the toxicology reports from these, it would not surprise if this was a greater hazard than radiation.

austingtir, Jul 20, 5:56pm
Looking at the samples the tokyo one doesnt even seem that bad.Its a pretty simple thing to ask a dealer specifically what area the car came from.All the auctions iv seen over there document the area the seller/car came from.
Im convinced JAZZ is a lobyist for the european car companys.He's probably off now collecting his cheques from VW.

austingtir, Jul 20, 6:12pm
As i said in the previous thread jazz started about this.The japanese dont like the russians if anybody was going to end up with radioactive cars it was always going to be the ruskies.And i also note that they have not stated any level that they actually measured.
Did you ever think perhaps the some people in russia may also have a vested intrest in driving the price of japanese cars down at the source!
The cheaper the cars get the better.

Also if you scientifically examine cars coming from anywhere im sure you can find something in them thats hazardous to your health.

kazbanz, Jul 25, 5:06am
now to put this matter to???bed???once and for all.
YES cars from the immediate area around?????

666steve, Jul 25, 1:56pm
No, let's get realistic.

Extremely radioactive sample from Tokyo air filter ??

msigg, Jul 25, 2:15pm
I think you shoild be more concerned with all the chemicals made in the plastic dashboards from all cars. This stuff breaks down with age. There was a report about the european cars had higher levels of this stuff because of there manufacturing processes.!

thejazzpianoma, Jul 25, 3:03pm
If you actually read the threads and understood the problem being discussed you would know:

1. A Geiger counter will not show a reading against an air filter which is badly contaminated with hot particles. That's why the tests are done with photographic film. This dosn't make the health risk any less.

2. The concern here is not that the entire car is radioactive, our imports are tested for that.

3. The radioactive dust is EVERYWHERE in Japan, thats why those filters are showing up partilces in Tokyo. The dust is widespread they are actually waiting for it to start turning up in the U.S.A and are busy testing filters regularly there in anticipation.

Why is this so very veryhard for people to understand. I will say it again.

These hot particles in the air filters are not radioactive in that you can stand next to them and be irradiated. The problem is they are radioactive enough to cause cancer and other problems when you breath them in and they come into contact with tissue. Once you inhale them they lodge in your lungs/esophagus for life.

I am disappointed in what is either your complete ignorance of what I am talking about or your attempts to confuse people by messing with the facts. Which it is I am not sure.

thejazzpianoma, Jul 25, 3:06pm
In response to some of the others. I just love how they know so very much more than the Scientists doing the testing and the Nuclear specialists going back before the days of Chernobyl. What we are talking about is very real and very proven.

Its sad we live in a country where personal gain and hacking on others because we don't like their views comes before personal safety. Its not so bad when people put their own health at risk, but to try and play this down without any backing or even a basic grasp of the issue is very concerning, especially given the potential consequences.

smac, Jul 25, 4:24pm
Jazz why are you not also warning about Korean cars! Same vicinity.dust doesn't follow political borders.

skyblue17, Jul 25, 4:26pm
Naturally you can supply links etc to prove your statements.! I look forward to reading about this new threat. Have to say I havent heard anything about it before.