ok.so im wanting to buy new wipers for my ford AND getthem put on while I wait.simple.anyone know a business in south auckland that will do this with outme having to book in.in other words supply and install.went to repco this morning."we dont do that" i was told
Jul 30, 1:06am
supercheap will.
Jul 30, 1:11am
I had the miss fortune to work at Repco, Did heaps of them!Can be annoying if your flat stick (every cent counts you know) but customer relations is important too so I did them when I could.Buy a good set to, pay few dollars extra and you will be surprised.
Jul 30, 1:36am
ok thanks will try supercheap in morning
Jul 30, 1:37am
Any garage will do them.
Jul 30, 2:25am
Nothing like good old customer service aye!It might just be a set of wiper blades today but it could have been some significant money spent in the future.It's a shame that Repco still consider the walk in general public customers to be second class citizens.Like FK said, Supercheap will sell them AND fit them for you, might cost ya 5 bucks, but still cheap compared to "we don't do that here".
Jul 30, 7:50pm
Back in the day not too long ago a stand alone auto parts store would fit them for you for nothing. Not today though at the likes of super cheap or repco they will charge you. Also spend a couple of bucks extra and get metal backed inserts,you will notice the difference over the cheap ones. (quiet!)
Jul 31, 1:34am
Had a mate worked for Repco (and just about every other car parts place), he would't miss an opportunity to do this. Meant he could wander outside, have a smoke, and spend 10 mins pissing around perfoming a simpleton's task , on the clock.
Jul 31, 3:06am
appreciate all the feedback.I went into repco early.like first thing.had been driving from papakura to city and back in torrental rain.and realised my wipers needed replacing.no one was interested in helping me.just a blank stare and no advice as to who would do this for me.wont go back there.
Jul 31, 3:20am
Yet another person who doesn't appreciate the importance of "customer service".50 bucks in the till for a set of wiper blades but you'll never see them again.
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