hi all i was wondering what could it be as my electick start is running but not fireing off. what could be the problem as im wanting to get it fixed :D
Jul 27, 10:31pm
lots of possibles but low battry in scooters is the first place i check-then fuel
Jul 27, 10:36pm
well i dont think its the battery as it is wanting to start but it dont fire off as i have my hand on the break and pressing the electic start but it not fireing off.
Jul 27, 11:01pm
and what do you mean about the fuel;!
Jul 28, 3:11am
Automatic choke problem most likely.
Jul 28, 3:57am
first--if the battery ona scoot is a bit low its not got enough to excite the coil once the starter has sucked its share. -so try charging the battery up OR run jumper leads from a car and see if it fires up--if it does you have found your problem -second I:d be looking at the carb and seeing if the jets are all clean- um but make sure theres FRESH fuel in the tank
Jul 28, 5:36am
try a new spark plug. they are usually around six bucks from repco.
Jul 28, 6:04am
thats what im thinking :D and the fuel isnt old at all pretty much new ! and i press the button with my hand on the break and its winding over but not fireing off. im thinking of a sparkplug problem! battery hmmm well i had it on the charge and tryed starting it but the same thing happend !
Jul 28, 1:06pm
for the record--the horsy one and I have been building/racing bikes for a fair few years.-so maybee try what we suggest first
Jul 28, 3:53pm
frankly my dear friend, your use of the english language and your mechanical ability are one in the same ! therefore the chance of this particular endeavour having a positive out come is, how can i say this without offending your cerebral powers. ZERO,
Jul 28, 4:03pm
Scooters are like chainsaws, wives's and weedeaters. Whn there working there working good, when there not there a pain in the arse. And never lend them to your mates. Theres no mention of model so it could be a 20yo thing thats just plain rooted or a new Zong Pow Poo that is also rooted. But as above you need the 3 main ingrediants, fuel air and ignition (or is that to make fire) so thats always the best place to start. And is it turning over quickly or slowly.
Jul 28, 4:42pm
Try taking the spark plug out and giving a squirt of oil into the cylinder to raise the compression. Could be the problem.
Jul 28, 4:53pm
Definitely need to try what kaz and crzyhrse have suggested, some jumper leads off the car will get it cranking over at a far higher rate than what the scooter battery alone will achieve (I had to do this for about 5 mins once with my scoot after I flooded it badly), failing that you need to remove the plug and crank it over to see if you have any spark at all (make sure the plug is resting on something metal). Another easy thing to check is the plug to your automatic choke isstill connected, it should be under the seat somewhere.
Jul 28, 4:56pm
I'd put the battery on the charger for a few hours, or even charge it and get a auto sparkie to load test the battery. Sue a battery may show full voltage but when you get a load across it, things can get interesting.
I see tonyrockhorror is back under his new name.
Jul 28, 5:01pm
and compression
Jul 28, 8:39pm
try starting it with crc,
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