Crummydore starter slow reaction

sfw4, Jul 24, 4:27am
Hi Gents. When turning key on VP Crummydore the startermotor doesnt react. I dont even hear the solenoid flick. but wen trying key again it starts. Would this be a earth, solenoid or whole startermotor on its way out! cheers Lads

sfw4, Jul 24, 4:29am
sometimes key wont work wen turning for 2times but on 3rd it works. Is it on its way out or something loose! cheers

splinter67, Jul 24, 4:33am
Check the battery leads connections onto the starter motor dose it turn over at normal speed on the second go

sfw4, Jul 24, 4:37am
turns over at normal speed yes all good there. yes may be loose wiring. must check it out tomoro