Repair rubber inlet manifold on quad bike engine.

daryl14, Jul 21, 12:44am
Just got a tear in the rubber intake pipe. Has a two bolt flange at each end, possibly with a steel flange moulded inside the rubber.
Best ideas for a cheap easy fix! I'm leaning toward going to a tyre repair shop.

NZTools, Jul 21, 12:47am
wipe a bit of black rtv into the tear and let it set.

rob_man, Jul 21, 1:15am
Urethane is better, silicone was the miracle material of the 1970s. Just make sure you clean it well first.

motorboy2011, Jul 21, 7:21am
got a honda copy motor! inlet pipe has a slight bend in it!

daryl14, Jul 21, 6:30pm
Nup, It's an older Yamaha YFM 200 - 250 air cooled, shaft drive with reverse. It is bent slightly to one side tho. Might be keen to bin it and go for a 400 ish engine.

muzz67, Jul 22, 1:59pm
electricians shrinkwrap.

andrew241, Jul 22, 2:10pm
That intake tube on the yamaha needs to be sealed propley.Try NZ Farm & Trail probley cheaper than you think.Luke on 07 8717321.We have had this intake pipe split ourselves,bike will backfire and run like a hairy pig or will run lean at high revs and melt a hole in the piston like mine did.

daryl14, Jul 22, 11:48pm
Hey thanks a bunch. Went and saw Luke today. Very helpful guy!

saki, Jul 22, 11:51pm
Go to a dive or fishing shop and get some stormsure or aquaseal