Insurance. If you have third party insurance and are involved in a car accident caused by oil on the road from a bus and you hit

tracey134, Jul 20, 1:49am
If you have third party insurance and are involved in a car accident caused by oil on the road from a bus and you hit the car in front causing minor damage but yours is munted, is the bus company's insurer responsible for any repairs or pay out of what the munted car is worth!

gunhand, Jul 20, 1:52am
If you can prove who is at fault fro the oil there should be no loss to you but having third party you will have to hope someone else will pay for it or your with out a car.

neo_psy, Jul 20, 2:17am
Wow - can you prove the oil came from the bus! (i.e. was the bus sitting there with a blown up engine!)

grangies, Jul 20, 2:24am
How much oil came out of the bus to cause a road accident!

As in. How could a bus be driving along, and then suddenly cover the road in oil! I don't get it.

NZTools, Jul 20, 2:44am
if there is ice on the road and you fail to stop, hitting the car in front, is Jack Frost at fault!

gunhand, Jul 20, 2:48am
Thats an act of nature or God.

tracey134, Jul 20, 2:49am
ok three other cars involved in accident as well and bus had to be towed so i guess it can be proved.

NZTools, Jul 20, 2:50am
Neither Mother nature or God, are likely to admit liability though.

mm12345, Jul 20, 3:13am
You don't need much.
Diesel fuel line burst/leak, or numerous other possibilities for engine oil getting dumped on the road.It happens.
A cellphone camera pic would have been handy for the OP.If it was a serious spill, then the police may have been notified and may have some incident record.
It's a bit of a bugger of a situation for the OP if the bus company denies liability.

gunhand, Jul 20, 3:17am
Ahhhhh, but they "own" it. Till theres a small problem then deniy all responsability.Why does that sound familier!