Suzuki G16A/Barina G13A experts

donz01, Aug 21, 10:01pm
Can anyone tell me if a Suzuki/Barina G13A engine will bolt up to a G16A manual gearbox .

donz01, Aug 22, 12:47am
Cheers, We have carby problem with 1600 and cannot find another carb so seriously considering putting a 1300 in which will also allow cheaper insurance for our son on his restricted. Not sure if it will need certified, so will just do it and plead ignorance till it gets pinged at wof .

donz01, Aug 22, 5:09am
Would the engine mounts from the 1600 fit the 1300 or would I be better using the 1300 mounts to locate the engine in where the 1600 was.The engine isa 1300cc from a 1992 holden barina hatchback and is going to go into a 1994 suzuki swift sedan that currently has a 1600 in it. Both cars are the same shape , just different models so I assume the sumps and exhausts will be the same. Can some one tell me if they are different or the same.

supernova2, Aug 22, 5:18am
Sounds like useing a sledgehammer to kill an ant.Why do all that work - just get the carb fixed.Whats wrong with it anyway!

ceebee2, Aug 22, 11:37pm
I have done one of those transplants and found the rear / upper engine mount doesn't line up.on my model the chassis mount was not there at check that one otherwise all good.

donz01, Aug 23, 12:32am
Sounds like useing a sledgehammer to kill an ant. Why do all that work - just get the carb fixed. Whats wrong with it anyway!
Quote supernova2 (147 )10:18 pm, Sun 21 Aug #5
Its a VVT carby and a sealed unit. Its basically flooding the engine to a point where it only runs on 2 cylinder etc etc. The 1300 option gives my son a car he can afford to insure and put fuel into from his after school job. I have been trying to find another carby for this particular car for 2 months and have now given up. It appears the car was built in Singapore then went to Japan then on to here, hence the stupid VVT carby etc as well as that it is also 16 valves in the head. If you have a manifold and carby for a G16A engine with 16 valves in the head there is a good chance I will buy it.

donz01, Oct 3, 8:00am
Sorry to say it but you are wrong Bubbles52, Today we tried fitting a 1600 auto to a1300 block and they are not interchangable.Obviously they wont fit together the opposite way either.