Any demand for Corolla commercial/trade wagons?

ryanm2, Aug 28, 12:57am
Been given the task of off loading my mates 94 toyota corolla wagon. Thing is, it has no back seats and no real way of adding seats in the rear. It has a lapsed rego by 8 months and no warrant. It is tidy and only has 122kms on the clock, 1300, 5 speed. Reckon its worth selling as is or investing the cash and getting it road worthy before sale!
Only a limited number of people would be keen - tradies/backpackers/people with no friends.

mugenb20b, Aug 28, 1:00am
They are popular wagons amongst tradies. Although, diesels seem to be more sought after. If the body is good, I would get it road worthy before selling.

saffa2, Aug 28, 1:25am
What's it worth as is!.

ryanm2, Aug 28, 1:40am
I was going to stick it on here for $600 as is tomorrow. But im thinking it may be worth spending the $200 for the rego and $40 on the warrant (plus anything that needs attention, i dont think there will be anything though) and start $1 auction.

saffa2, Aug 28, 1:58am
Yeah, reg/wof and it should go 1500 t0 2000.

franc123, Aug 28, 2:36am
For goodness sake don't do a $600 buynow, its worth far more than that.Remember car buyers will fight over low km Corollas, or any Toyota for that matter, like a pack of hungry timberwolves whether they've got a back seat or not.Get the license and WOF up to date and start at $1800 at least IMO.

fordkiwi27, Aug 28, 2:46am
yep agreed.$1 reserve witha fresh wof and you will get between 2 and 3k

ryanm2, Aug 28, 2:59am
ok - will do - in a weeks time i will apparently be rich. Cheers.

msigg, Oct 3, 6:18am
I bought a corrolla years ago with no back seat as it was used as a van, I simply went to the wreckers and bought a rear seat, fitted seat belts and away you go. had it for about 10years 250,000 kms and sold it for $600, it originally cost me $700 dollars. it was cheap because I got it at book value at the time. Sweet as. Yea I think yours with low Km is worth buying to someone $1500 - $2000