Project Mini Engine

elvis221, Aug 30, 11:24pm
Boys project car won't start. Its a 1971 mini, he has set timing, but when it turns over it back fires.Could this be because it is 180 degrees out. Or is it somthing else.
Also when checking valves which valve on the number four cyclinder is the inlet and which one is the outlet.
The motor was running before he transplanted it to another car .

jmma, Aug 30, 11:36pm
Check firing order is correct with rotation of rotor, valves line up with manifold, eg: ex last one.

elvis221, Aug 31, 1:43am
Awesome thanks, he is out in the garage tinkering with the motor as I type this.

icemans1, Aug 31, 1:49am
sounds like firing order to me also

ladatrouble, Aug 31, 3:28am
So he took a running engine out of one car and put it into another, didn't touch a thing and now it won't run !I don't think so, he has swapped something from one to the other. Tell us what he touched. Ex In In Ex Ex In In Ex.

unclejake, Aug 31, 3:32am
I would guess the firing order is wrong, the timing way off, or dizzy in 180 degrees out.

All easy fixes, and I have done all of them myself!

ml6989, Aug 31, 4:40am
If my memory is correct, the distributor is an off set dog drive so would be difficult to get 180 degrees out. Having said that, it does sound as if the ignition timing is too far advanced, or the leads are on the wrong way. Go back to basics! Fuel, spark and co ordination!

budgel, Aug 31, 4:53am
If it is 180 degrees out, just change the plug leads to suit to see if it will fire.

As I recall: with the rocker box off observe when both valves are closed on number one cylinder, make sure the rotor arm is pointing to number one cylinder. Go from there.

unclejake, Aug 31, 4:58am
Also make certain you know what direction the rotor rotates in before you put the cap back on