Worn ring gear.

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cowlover, Aug 29, 3:22am
I know the manual ones have the inertia type with the great big spring on the end of the shaft, so the pinion is between the spring and the starter.Assume the auto would have the same starter.According to my book the starter is a Lucas M418G.

mrfxit, Aug 29, 3:24am
Auto flex plates are often spot welded in place.
Cast iron/steel flywheels are commonly heat shrunk

cowlover, Aug 29, 3:27am
I agree best solution is a new ring gear and a new pinion but the BMC 1800 is not exactly the easyest (or lightest) powerplant to work on.If its possible to spin the torgue converter 1/4 turn without having to remove the powerplant I'd be trying it first.If it dosen't work then obviously the full job has to be done.Also if you can get the pinion with the "extra" tooth give it a go.