I have spoken with taxi drivers about why they havent embraced the "green/ hybrid type cars. The batteries are really expensive and an environmental nightmare to dispose of was the answer.
Aug 28, 4:42pm
Price maybe!
Aug 28, 4:44pm
Don't they just throw them into the mangroves. with all of Coundown's trollies!
Aug 28, 4:52pm
I think some people are so anti jazz, that they can't even see him having a bit of fun.
Aug 28, 5:01pm
Because they want to drive something RELIABLE .many courier drivers in hiaces over the million km mark :) downtime is money
Aug 28, 7:46pm
+1. Irrespective of weather or not you share his opinions on European vehicles, Jazz makes a huge contribution to this MB. It??
Aug 28, 7:51pm
Where are these couriers
Aug 28, 7:58pm
Youmust have blinkers on LOL
Aug 28, 8:02pm
Having been a courier I haven't seen any van anywhere near 1millon ks most company's have an age limit on there vans seen a few around 600 but nothing as high as you are saying
Aug 28, 10:00pm
The holden/fordthing in past wassothey could bequickly & easilyfixed & back on the road. Many owners hadnew spare engine /transto drop in if needed& not lose income .Plus had to be6 seaters
Aug 28, 10:18pm
You should talk to the owners rather than the drivers. Batteries are recycled. For taxi duty cycle, battery replacement cost would be less than half what diesel RUC costs alone would be for a similar sized vehicle, over the life of the vehicle.
Sep 6, 7:00pm
I just got run off the road by a bus crashed into a taxi and the taxi driver swore at me my bike didnt even scratch his taxi and the bus didnt even try to avoid me , what dicksthey give P licences to over here if he was in auzs wouldnt even get \P plates whatever they are
Sep 6, 7:08pm
a chequer cab is basicly a 57 chevy, they both got 283 v8s, powerglide tree shifts buillt like a shoebox, I saw a new statesman taxi the other day isnt much different either if you like euros so much , then go to europe. immangine if all the taxis put there wipers on insted of indicating at intersections and roundabouts.
Sep 6, 7:13pm
If the drivers had their way they'd be driving Tuk-tuks.
Sep 7, 6:15am
Interesting comment that one.back in the 1950's and 1960's Morris Oxfords as taxis were common in New Zealand, especially the Series 2 and series 3 shaped like the Hindustan Ambassadors. I actually owned a 1958 Morris Oxford back in the 1960's and I really loved that car, probably one of the most fun cars I have owned I reckon, not fast at all but it always got you to where you wanted to go. It was comfortable roomy as and well built and rugged to boot. I'm on the look out for another one to restore actually.
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