In general there is a lack of euros being used as taxis. We have plenty of Jappas, some aussie steel rolling around and now a few korean cars but hardly any Euros! Anyone know why! The most common I think I have seen is the Pug 407 HDi
Aug 28, 1:40am
The new Ford Mondeo diesel seems to be somewhat common too, but yeah, good question.
Aug 28, 1:40am
This should be good, i have drinks and refreshments.
Aug 28, 1:41am
Same reason we still have some posties and couriers using Hyundai's and Hiace's. taxi drivers are not very bright. (Or at least they fail to do their own math).
That and the likes of the Toyota Pius (spelling intended) means they can get a share of the missguided greenie market.
Aug 28, 1:46am
Yeah plenty of Mondeos. Also seen a couple of the larger Skodas around Wellington.
For inner city stuff a hybrid is still better - they're just so much nicer at low speeds than the diesels and at least as economical
Aug 28, 1:49am
Speaking of which.a few months ago I attended an AA breakdown on a brand new Mondeo diesel (less than 2000k on the clock). The vehicle "stalled and lacked power".
So I picked up the taxi driver and his newly acquired Mondeo and asked him what he did and what happened. He explained that he filled up the fuel tank with diesel and water for his windscreen washer. So I decided to check the oil level and it was milky looking and way too high.
"Where did you fill your windscreen washer bottle!" He pointed to the oil filler cap, and said here. I asked why and he said there was a picture of a watering can on the cap (which is actually a symbol for an oil can.). But, anyway, the engine was fudged.
Aug 28, 1:52am
Ahhh so there's hope for taxi drivers yet. That's evolution in progress people. next thing we will start seeing a reduction of Mustache's on car dealersand ACC claims for knuckle abrasion will drop.
Aug 28, 1:53am
Put simply-most older taxi drivers have had 10-15 cars.They circulate in a "society" (fellow taxt drivers) all having had 10-15 cars. They know what in the real world works for them both in actual economy to run,repair and maintain.Basicly they have all been there seen that and seen /done the epic fails. Euro's in NZ just dont work.
Aug 28, 1:53am
Austin 1800 would make a good taxi _b
Aug 28, 1:54am
Case in point. Bet you havn't seen any Taxi drivers with Skoda's having that problem!
Aug 28, 1:58am
That's it. Motorhomer's (as nice as some are) are much the same, they live in a closed community and repeat each others mistakes. Not so much with what motorhome they buy but with how they set them up.
Aug 28, 2:00am
taxis over here in Brisbane are using Passats along with Falcons, Fairlanes, Commodores, Statesmans, Prius's and Hiace vans.
Aug 28, 2:00am
oh and Camrys and 380s
Aug 28, 2:09am
Taxi drivers can't afford that luxury--so when one or more make a big mistake like buying a euro they learn from it.
Aug 28, 2:12am
LOL, that's the thing with the weak willed. they are too susceptible to tall stories like that one. No wonder there are still so many not driving quality vehicles.
Aug 28, 2:13am
Another thread ruined by Jazz's one eyed opinion an arogant attitude, the opinion i can hande the arogance gets old quick
Aug 28, 2:16am
By the way jazz, i drive a 2000 Commodore (not a quality vehicle in your mind), its done 350000kms and drives like new, i service it every 10000km (costs me $50 for decent oil and filter), gave it a trans flush 6 months ago and i change coolant once a year. It still drives like a new one, is comfortable and owes me bugger all. Im sorry I just cant ever imagine getting the same run from the usual euros you like to try to hound people into, and yes i have owned euro cars in the past so not speaking of the unknown
Aug 28, 2:34am
It's al relative to the country you live in. The U.K have their own brand. In Germany I don't think I saw a taxi that wasn't a BMW. They love the Mazda 808's in Egypt. Ra ra ra
Aug 28, 2:36am
Fact is that if anything the prius is perfect for, it's a taxi. You should perhaps talk to an owner/driver of a prius cab, and ask some questions. "Greenie" has nothing to do with it at all.
Aug 28, 2:45am
why arent taxi drivers euro!
Aug 28, 2:48am
those A-holes dont seem to know anything but the outside lane, no matter how slow they are going & I dont think Ive seen one move over yet
Aug 28, 2:57am
Taxi drivers are in business and their cars reflect the fact that low overheads and reliability are factors when if comes to trying to make a profit and maximising the return on their investment. Unlike some here who think otherwise, they are not stupid and choose their cars accordingly. There is a very good reason why you don't see Euro cars in NZ as taxis. Yes, some here will tell you we are all stupid and knuckle dragging trolls, butthose of us in business know that simply doesn't wash when it comes to simple economics.
Aug 28, 2:58am
Aug 28, 3:00am
So much Euro hate here in NZ, and so much Toyota tax lol
Aug 28, 3:05am
You reckon!
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