Heater in xr6

hardenbol, Aug 26, 8:54pm
not working and car occasionly smelling hot but temp gage ok.bought car wednesday so haven't even had a week yet going back to dealer tommorrow where do you think i stand.

lookoutas, Aug 26, 9:04pm
Common problem with them.
Requires a complete dash removal to replace a $100 flap shaft.
Which means - no change out of 1K
Get back to the dealer bloody quick.
Turn the key on and tune ear to the left side of the radio consul. Turn the heat control, and if you can hear an electric motor continually running (not the fan) then that shaft is broken. If it runs then stops, that means it is opening and shutting the flap.

hardenbol, Aug 26, 9:16pm
it ran and then stopped

mike77, Aug 26, 9:44pm
What he said ^^^^^, If it's a BA,

But what model is it!

hardenbol, Aug 26, 9:53pm
yep its a ba

lookoutas, Aug 26, 11:06pm
If it sounds like its opening & closing a flap up behind the radio, then it might be OK.
Which means it must be something else. Take it back.
If it's not broken, then the motor will run and stop.

Sorry - just assumed it was a BA

unbeatabull, Aug 27, 1:24am
As above, common for the flap to break - however this usually causes one side to still be hot.

There is also a servo motor up under the R/S of the console on the heater box. A prick to get to but if someone who knows what they're doing is able to bend the dash bar in the way and then you can access it, otherwise a new person who hasn't done one before may want to remove the whole dash.

Otherwise, could be anything from low coolant, thermostat, heater box leaking etc.

lookoutas, Aug 27, 3:28am
Are you saying that the flap rod can also be replaced without removing the dash!
By saying servo motor on the right, does this mean it doesn't refer to the servo motor on the left that drives the breakable rod & flap!
I haven't done one, and don't want to - that's why we have agile young fulla's. But I have taken notice of the task at hand. From a distance.
All the forums suggested total dash removal.

Interesting that the replacement rod is modified so it won't break again. Which means Ford have recognised that it is a fault.
It's certainly put me off buying one!

bigfatmat1, Aug 27, 3:52am
they also give a/c heater ecu problems same scenario remove dash not that bad 3to 4 hours to remove dash and refit plus time to fix fault reprogramme ac comp ect

unbeatabull, Aug 27, 4:14am
The dash has to be removed to do the flap & rods. As well as the HIM Module (heater ECU that mat mentioned) as above - however when this craps out you won't hear the motor moving, so if you can its a good start.

The servo motor is on the right side of the heater box, also are common. They do normally bring up a fault code, as does the HIM Module if testing on IDS (Ford Diagnostic). A broken flap/rod doesn't.