Tyre opinion & choice

whqqsh, Aug 23, 4:06pm
trying to decide between Dunlop Sport 300sp (205/65/15) or Bridgestone Supercats (225/60/15)
Just bought a '97 'coon that has good tread Dunlops & am looking to get rid of my AU that Ive recently put a set of Supercats on that look a lot better due to the bit of extra width. The Dunlops on the other car look to have similar tread depth & seem to hang on pretty good & the supercats can be a bit rear happy in the wet.
Just wondering if its worth the hassle to swap over & anyone has any preferences (btw I want to keep the rims on the same cars so it would be strip & swap 8 tyres)

whqqsh, Aug 23, 9:12pm
oops, I forgot. its a Fairmont!

phillip.weston, Aug 23, 10:25pm
Out of the two, Dunlop Sport 300sp for sure. Supercats are rubbish. Extra width does not always mean extra grip.

whqqsh, Aug 23, 10:41pm
yup, picked that one up "The Dunlops on the other car look to have similar tread depth & seem to hang on pretty good & the supercats can be a bit rear happy in the wet."
but I have come across tyres that are good when reasonably new but turn to crap real fast once a bit worn down a bit, or others that grip good but have the life expectancy of young blokes first time up to bat

unbeatabull, Aug 24, 1:45am
The Dunlop sports are the better tyre . they do tend to wear the inner edge on Falcons though . so long as you keep them rotated every surface you should be fine.

friendly_prawn, Aug 24, 2:30am
cool, join the Fairmont club.
Fairmonts rule!

ntalke, Aug 24, 2:51am
Best tyre for Ba/Bf would have to be Toyo Proxes 4,super Quietso would be the same for the Au
The Proxes T1R I found to hard and noisy

whqqsh, Aug 24, 2:58am
cheers, dude