Carport and ice on cars

robotnik, Aug 19, 2:56pm
Thinking of buying a house with a carport, but no garage. One of the benefits of a garage is not getting build ups of ice on the windscreen which take ages to remove before you can head off in the morning. With a carport would the car likely still get a lot of ice on it in the winter! This is in the bottom of the South Island by the way, so can get very cold.

sifty, Aug 19, 3:03pm
Nope, generally don't get ice forming under a carport, as the wet dew does not settle.

Depends on the size of the carport to some extent though. Anyting on the extremities can have ice form on it.

I'd still like a garage though.

jason18, Aug 19, 5:59pm
Yeah I wouldnt worry to much. Our car under a carport never had ice. You could always get a big pvc cover to cover one side in if need be. I have a few billboards left that would do the trick. Altho im from hamilton so not to icey

elect70, Aug 19, 9:19pm
It will if it gets wet &temp drops below freezing

rob_man, Aug 19, 9:21pm
In Invercargill it will only ice up 11 months a year.

sifty, Aug 19, 9:40pm
Ho ho ho.

Funny how we seem to have had the best weather in the country, for some time I believe.

Still, as the lambs are popping out we must be due for some hail.

noswalg, Aug 19, 10:09pm
I bought a house with a pretty decent sized double garage and the cars still sit out on the driveway every night

sifty, Aug 19, 10:14pm
Same, have umpteen meters of garage space but no room for cars.

a.woodrow, Aug 20, 12:56am
Cars only go in garages when you work on them.

trader_84, Aug 20, 2:31am
Same, but as of late . I have been 'wrestling' back control. I found my shed had turned into a warehouse for things that were kept 'just in case' I needed them. You need to be ruthless. As more and more clear floor appears you get more adventuresome and even 'toys' start getting nervous, lol! I've been getting rid of all sorts of sh1t. Good feeling.

dave653, Aug 20, 4:57pm
Mines in the garage, hers is in the carport. When it gets cold here the ice forms on the underside of the roof. when it warms up it rains inside! It's a bugger when we hang the washing under there too.

lookoutas, Aug 21, 12:46am
Here in Taumarunui, we have a saying.
"Call Danny McQuire"

Back in the 70's, Danny trundled out of the pub and finished up finding a damsel in distress, (with an iced up windscreen)
Well, Danny fixed it as a man does, and finished up in court over it.

Bloody hero amongst men in the bar, he was.

guest, Sep 25, 11:15am
welllll i guess there are some shitty cars in here but hell its not my draems .more zonda's and skylines less maro's says my dream.

guest, Sep 26, 12:18pm
welllll i guess there are some shitty cars in here but hell its not my drames .more zonda's and skylines less maro's says my dream.