Charged $50 petrol by mechanic

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kehua, Aug 11, 3:32am
Have prices for being "screwed" come down!

jason18, Aug 11, 3:33am
Hell yeah keen as!

jgoater, Aug 11, 3:39am
Nothing 'stinks!'
I don't see what type of car or year is was, has anything to do with this.
The 'miss' was a faulty spark plug lead.
I have since paid the $50 gas bill, as I need my car back and don't want to start legal proceedings to get it back.
Personally, I can't see why they didn't just put $10 gas in it for a test drive, but I know it had petrol in it and the red light wasn't on.
Why on earth wouldn't they get a receipt for petrol!
This is a very well known garage and can't believe they would act like this.
A test drive should never incur a bill of $50 for gas!

bootylicious5, Aug 11, 3:39am
Wind up!

jgoater, Aug 11, 3:42am
Sorry to disappoint, but NOT a wind up!
Ok, I expected this type of thing, so won't respond again.
I realise now I have been screwed, so will leave it at that.

ml6989, Aug 11, 6:02am
Clearly you do not trust this mechanic. This therefore begs the question -- Why did you take it to him in the first place!You say you "think you had half a tank" so this indicates to me that you are unsure of, or not wanting to, reveal facts. Short answer: Pay up, there is no free lunch.

johnf_456, Aug 11, 7:22am
Either way, any moral mechanic would keep the invoice for the petrol. Any one could say they did this.

kevin.b, Aug 11, 7:43am
Pretty simple really.

Assuming the place you had taken the car to was as well known as you say(and not a back yard mechanic) then you should've received an invoice with the breakdown of all costs involved, including the $50 petrol.

I would expect a receipt for the petrol to be included with the invoice, but if they won't provide one then simply ask them what time and place they filled up your car, and get them to note this down on the invoice and have them sign it. Then go to that particular service station and ask for the manager and tell them what the problem is. They may be able to look at the past surveillance footage and see if the mechanic did indeed take your car in, and if so they will also know how much petrol was put into the car.

I was wondering though. If the scenario that kazbanz stated in #17 was correct, and they did indeed drain 'contaminated' fuel from someone's car, then wouldn't the mechanic/business be required to give you all of that fuel back if you wanted it, as you'd still legally own it!

bellky, Aug 11, 2:57pm
Don't go back there.

I hope you told them you wont be back too.

beblowin, Aug 11, 6:22pm
so do tell.what was the fault they fixed and how much did the bill come too! if your pulling your tooth out over $50 petrol I bet you have no teeth left after you saw the bill LOL

kazbanz, Aug 11, 7:11pm
Now OP Im not having a go at you for fun -answering your concerns if its possible.
Lets work through this step by step
First-what car it is.Now if your car is for example a 1000cc Vitz id be going not a chance -don't be silly--It simply doesn't use that much fuel
If its a 6.0l V8 truck then "just a test drive" migtht indeed use a bit of fuel.
You are saying the miss turned out to be a faulty spark plug lead.There is though a diagnostic process to go through to establish that. ESPECIALLY if the issue only showed up after the car was hot for example.
You have now changed your story from "the car was half full" to I know the red light wasn't on. -you see how that comes across don't you!
Look heres how I see it. This well known garage no doubt does stuff like replace water pumps,cam belt tensioners and in your case a plug lead.
How =do YOU know they are carrying out the work they say they are!
You see my point! at some point you need to trust that what someone says they didthey actually did--In a lot of cases you have no way of knowing the works been carried out

mugenb20b, Aug 11, 7:20pm
To keep the client happy, the garage could "prove" they put $50 in by simply making up a fake invoice. It's easily done.

bigfatmat1, Aug 11, 7:45pm
I find it frustrating customers bring there car in on empty for intimitant faults requiring test drives. On a separate note I worked on a gtr skyline diagnosing a fault had the car running for about 10 hours all up put about 60L of gas in car charged it out at the same as the pump price customer grizzled about it refused to pay. The customer was a mechanic himself.

llortmt, Aug 11, 7:53pm
LOL face palm!
I for one am sick and tired of customers like you!
You give me your vehicle fully aware that I will need to test drive it and can't be bothered to ensure you provide sufficient fuel. (be honest you have no clue how much fuel was in it do you!)
I have no idea how many km's I can do in your car once the light comes on OR if in fact the light works at all! how long does it take me to drive to the gas station put fuel in your car, wait to pay and drive back! Are you happy to pay my hourly rate plus fuel for that! How long will it take me to WALK to the gas station if it runs out! You happy to pay for that!
No of course you aren't!
We thus now have a fuel policy.
If you leave what we the company perceive to be insufficient fuel in your vehicle for the instructed purpose we will provide $10 from a can kept in stock, which we will sell you for $20 plus gst.
This will be documented as 'Fuel $20' on your invoice and if you have a problem with that please don't come back!
Oh and while on the subject. Hows about putting some fuel back in our loan car!

bigfatmat1, Aug 11, 7:58pm
Ive had customers asking for a fuel card cause the loan car is nearly out of gas. When they have had it 3 days

xpfairmont, Aug 11, 8:03pm
Name and shame the rip off bastards! He can't tune a car to save his life if it takes him that much gas!

xpfairmont, Aug 11, 8:06pm
Yeah. the mechanic stole his gas, what a low life.

echoriath, Aug 11, 10:28pm
You might offer to pick up a couple of meals for them as well. Ask them if they need you to pay for their drycleaning, etc. When the car comes back, tell them the loan car is now due for an oil change during the time they had it, and where should you send the invoice!

Ok, not really, but, jeez, some people have got nerve, alright.

lookoutas, Aug 11, 11:19pm
It's amazing how many cars we get in with the fuel light on. And we need to take them 6 K's to the Paintshop (and back)
If one runs out, it will eat up at least an hour of wasted time.

Simple remedy is to drive straight to the pumps an put 20 bucks worth in - then charge them for it and 1/4 hour of wasted time.

thewomble1, Aug 11, 11:27pm
If the tank had been drained.why would they put so much petrol back in.surely enough to test if it was in fact 'dirty' fuel. Also it should have been noted that fuel had been drained on the invoice.
If you leave what we the company perceive to be insufficient fuel in your vehicle for the instructed purpose we will provide $10 from a can kept in stock, which we will sell you for $20 plus gst.
This will be documented as 'Fuel $20' on your invoice and if you have a problem with that please don't come back! Selling $10 fuel for $20 plus wonder mechanics get a bad name.

austingtir, Aug 12, 12:58am
What if the mechanic had a drum of fuel or extracated the fuel from another tank on his premises!Not so easy and a bit of a waste of his time to make out a receipt for that!All you can say about this is OP now knows to be more careful about details when they take the car to a mechanic.

OP simply doesnt have a leg to stand on and should forget about it and take it as a learning thing.

gunhand, Aug 12, 1:03am
Yep we get cars like that as well, and when your shuffking cars about its a worry. And of course the cars with flat batteries, stupid secrurity systems (on shit ya wouldnt give away let alone steal)tyres that go flat and so on.

austingtir, Aug 12, 1:04am
Excellent post sir,Seriously some people in this thread.Very low on FACTS.

ozz1, Aug 12, 1:08am
op///maybe next time leave a supermarket fuel discount offer in the glovebox.!

llortmt, Aug 12, 3:05am
Ok let me bill you for my time mate, $1 per minute it will cost you more that way, fine by me!
I'm sure you could buy it cheaper at the supermarket the other side of town with your discount voucher eh! Should I go there!
Why is the default cry always 'the mechanic ripped me off'!
By selling you $10 for $20 I'm actually looking after you, but because you judge people by your own standards the thought of that wouldn't even occur to you.
Some of the idiots here really need to wake up and smell what they're shoveling!
Like I said 'if you don't like it don't come back' it will be your loss not mine.