Help with tyre choice please

johnalan1595, Aug 17, 7:41pm
Just purchased 209 camry fitted with b/stone potenza re 001 adrenalinon the front with Michelin energy on the reartyre size is 215/55/17I find tyres very noisycan anyone suggest a good quiet alternative pleaseyour imput would be greatly appreciatedthanks(heres hoping) Alanps tyres are about half worn.

kdiddy20, Aug 17, 8:36pm features & benefits/Quiet tread

Let me know if your keen :)

pc_evo, Aug 17, 9:13pm
Kdiddy20, how quiet are they, and how much life are they expected for! 2002 wrx impreza, 16" rims, but probably going to get 17's when i need tyres, ones i got on there are grippy as F but quite loud. Oh and a rough price

321mat, Aug 18, 12:13am
Go for the Dunlop Sportsmaxx SP - the directional tyre.
My size is the same - 215/55x17
Exceptional grip and very, very quiet - quiet enough to listen to your valve train.
Yes, they do get a bit louder when they get worn, but 35,000km of quiet running is worth a little humming for the last 10k or so.

vpholdie, Aug 18, 4:21pm
try new ecopia from bridgestone buy 3 get 1 free at the moment.