Am after a wagon for growing family, and wife doesn't like people movers.If we push the boat out the new style Mazda Premacy comes into our price range. The actually seem to be reasonably priced compared to others.
But I don't see them commented on much.Does anyone have any opinions on them - value, comfort, reliability etc.!
Aug 14, 5:10am
I will get slandered for not talking directly about the Premacy but.
Have a drive of the VW Touran, it might not look as flash but its by far and away the most car for the money in that sort of vehicle and price.
Even if you don't buy one its a great yardstick to compare the Premacy by. It just runs rings around everything else of the age (like the Golf which its related to did). Better economy/power, more safety, better interior design, superior transmission, better spec, nicer drive. the list goes on.
So, if you like the Premacy after that, then you are on to a good thing.
Aug 14, 5:26am
Thanks, but my partner wants something leaning more towards a more traditional wagon look.
Aug 14, 5:38am
Good cars. I was going to get one as well, but wife didn't like the idea of sliding doors (!).
Aug 14, 5:43am
They are pretty good cars. No common problems and pretty reliable. Have a look at the 2006+ Wingroad as well.
Aug 14, 2:48pm
when i saw the title , i just new the first reply would contain VW.
Aug 14, 3:42pm
OP-Im guessing by what you are saying that you NEED a people mover but dislike the people mover look. The premacy you are talking about is a pretty good 6 seater wagon. The sliding doors are a godsend with the kids.They are second generation so have the chain drive engine. Note I said 6 seater.That in my opinion is the letdown of the premacy-the middle seat is pretty uncomfortable but is also clever because it folds away when not in use leaving a table An alternative Id strongly recommend would be a Toyota Wish 1.8 (not the 2.0l) You could look at a 2002 model to drop it into you price bracket because they are identical to the 2005 model. Another not people moverish vehicle is the honda stream
Aug 14, 3:49pm
Thank God you gave a sensible answer Kaz. I was beginning to give-up around this place. It's almost embarrassing.VWVWVWVWVWVWVW- , get my drift.
Aug 14, 3:56pm
shhhh-dont you know its set up on his computer to ring alarms when keywords are used. Im thinking we need to code words for certain things
Aug 14, 4:00pm
Gosh darn it. another false alarm. I could have used the extra sleep too.
Aug 14, 4:22pm
My partner has 2003, 2.0lPremacy 5 door (not slideing), it,s great, very economical, nice rideing. I,m quite impressed with it.
Aug 14, 4:36pm
I have to say that you are the very first person to say theold premacy was economical :-) not doubting ya but the economy is onl;y the same as a bigger people mover.-The only reason I never really pushed that model
Aug 14, 10:46pm
Hi Kaz We just test drove the 2l Wish and was wondering why to stay clear of that model!. Is the 1.8l much slower then the 2L!.
Aug 14, 10:56pm
The 2.0l has two issues from my point of view. It has a D4 engine which is broadly speaking Toyota's version of the GDI engine.-IE not very good. Also NO I don't feel the 1800 is any slower -if anything with its VVTi engine I'd argue the opposite. Im also unsure of the transmission in the 2.0l--it hasn't caused issues so far -ie its not on the radar as being one that DOES die -I just don't trust em yet
Aug 14, 11:21pm
That Premacy is not a 20S, looks like a lower spec 20C with that interior colour, and an aftermarket front bumper too.
Aug 15, 12:05am
That particular premacy looks a bit umer-ropey An alternative to the wish is the Isis --it has the same seats but sliding doors.
Aug 15, 4:29am
Thanks Kazbanz. You are right on all counts. Am thinking it may be worth the extra grand over the Stream due to less cabin noise and less hard seats. Are the 20S and 20C the only options! what's the main difference! Are some 6 seater sand some 7!
Aug 15, 2:59pm
We have owned both the 1.8 andnow own. 2.0 2005 Premacy so feel qualified to comment. Reliability! No problem with either of them, just normal servicing. We moved to the 2005 model ,as we found the 3rd row of seats in the 1.8 just getting too smal for our kids (leg room). We love the power sliding doors, so handy with kids. Also love the front and rear cameras, so my wife is now able to parallel park. It doesn't look anything flash but we don't care about that.Performance wise I'm not sure why someone said performance of the 2.0 is not the best! We find it a rocket and even my local mechanic mentioned just how quick it is. Hope this helps.
Aug 15, 3:08pm
I'll be honest I just don't know. Every one I looked at in Japan was that 6/7 seat configuration (the middle seat folds under the right seat etc) PLEASE don't quote me but I think its the trim/spec level thats different. One has the power sliding doors and hed lights and alloys and the other doesn't.
Aug 15, 3:12pm
I think you have your wires crossed The 2.0l I refer to is the toyota wish. Noone said the old premacy lacked performance. Its just that -well actually exactly what you encountered -its a small sized people mover so lack of legroom -yet fuel economy wise its the same as the 97-04odyssey 2.3 and in the odyssey you would still have the old car because theres legroom. Not dissin ya just explaining my comments
Aug 15, 3:44pm
Hey Kaz. Thanks for that - trouble with me speed reading posts huh. Lack of rear leg room not do much an issue in the 05 model. Still no Odessy though. Love the Odessy but the Premacy is just that much smaller especially on Wellington's streets. I found the dash interior of the Wish too dated cimparted to the Premacy.
Aug 15, 3:45pm
VWVWVWVW rules.but DSG gearbox is still a dodgy proposition . wait for another few years before buying an VW with auto transmission.
Aug 15, 3:58pm
We have the power sliding doors but just normal Mazda hubcaps. Also is the 7 seater but don't use that one too much, as you say very small seat.
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